
My understanding is that she would be considered a “natural born citizen” because she was a US citizen at birth (she was a US citizen at birth because her dad was a US citizen). I believe this is similar to McCain’s eligibility.

Gob: 52% of the country is single. That’s a market that’s been dominated by apartment rentals. Let’s take some of that market. I call it “Single City.”

Yes, I’ve done the math and 40% of the women I know have been raped. Sorry that didn’t work out for you, buddy.

Sweet! I’m Gen-X and trying to get rid of my Gen-1930 dad’s 1994 Cadillac Deville. You will be very protected and the interior is larger than my first apartment.

I had a similar experience. I was raised in a very anti-choice family, but I read Dear Dr. Stopes (letters to Marie Stopes) in high school and the women’s desperation made me pro-choice. Some are still etched in my memory (“the doctor said I’ll die if I get pregnant again but I can’t stop my husband”).

I agree with you and totally understand where you are coming from. Sometimes I think people have a sixth sense to locate a sympathetic or vulnerable person, and then just unload on that person because they know that the person won’t say, hey, shut the f*ck up. Example: I’m dealing with two parents in various stages of

Please sign the petition asking the prosecutors and judge to release her.

Ah, “swindlers and con men.” I knew something about this story reminded me of Chris Christie:

Please sign this petition asking the district attorney and the judge to reconsider:

A 73-year-old lady in Ireland was brutally raped and her victim statement just ripped me apart. She dedicated part of it to all the women and children who were abused and silenced (by families and institutions) in Ireland for so many years:

Dude, seriously, this is not a friend.

Three cheers for Student B, standing up for a colleague!!

They need Zach Galifianakis. Someone who can do crazy but in a smart way, while keeping a straight face.

I can see how Budd, at the time of the Olympics, didn’t understand the protests against her running under the UK flag. She was young and had a sheltered upbringing. But it became clear from a recent article in Runner’s World that even as she matured she never bothered to find out what it was about or to speak out

This wouldn't have come as a surprise to the team if they'd actually watched his demo tape.

My God, the people in that picture. Yikes.

Yeah, their taxpayers seem to have no problem shoveling tax revenues into his endless garbage fires of losing immigration litigation.

Wow, our education system is completely in the toilet. Does no one care about grammar or spelling?

Who among us has not worn a floor-length white dress with a lovely cross embroidered in red on the shoulder and with a white mask on and then felt awkward at the Image Awards?