
They weren’t really specific on anything creative in terms of what they felt about the film and how it would’ve hurt DC creatively.”

Wow, y’all are really trying to make this into something huh?  Meanwhile, they’re going forward with the Flash.  Wait until you fuckos hear what Ezra Miller is into, you’ll lose your fuckin’ shit.

I don’t blame him one bit for trying to make Black Adam more of a thing.  Movie was kinda meh, but it wasn’t like DCEU was swimming in great hits.

Yeah, exactly. Giz is playing mouthpiece for an asshole who doesn’t really have much dirt on Dwayne so they gotta act like promoting tequila and trying to make a franchise happen are some kind of sins.

DC:  Wait . ..  you mean the thing with all the words on it?  Look we all use words everyday, why would they matter?

I suppose this isn’t as egregious as the Henry Cavill hit piece, but it’s getting there. 

The misstep in this was in the screenplay itself; IMHO. The character was infuriatingly difficult to empathize with. It was hard to root for just about anyone in the film —even the good guys. When you center your movie around a rotten person with a paper thin redemption arc you are not going to engage your audience.

I’m in the JSA WHO? camp. I had so many distracting questions about who/what/why these hawk and helmet guys were such dicks to each other, why the Atom had to be an idiot but tolerated as if by obligation, etc. They seemed really dysfunctional and a strange crew to be sent to resolve the BA crisis. Then the appearance

Why didn’t it succeed?

then insisting that a bar serving his tequila brand, Teremana, be installed at the NYC premiere of Black Adam, despite its PG-13 rating.

As soon as I heard that the Rock got BA removed entirely from Shazam, I had a pretty good feeling this was going to tank. Without a connection to an existing DCEU property, BA was a mostly unknown character that had to be marketed without a built-in audience. The fact that Shazam was fun and moderately successful

Cool. Or you could move on? And not watch them?

I know it’s a meme but this is serious question - how the hell did the “skateboard kid” survive any sort of script round?
Did Dwayne think that was good? Did he fight for it or suggest it? I need to understand it, because it’s the thing in the movie that makes is almost unwatchable whenever he’s on screen. Kid is doing

Yeah, WB execs are the devil, look what they did to Batgirl! until they leak stuff about the Rock at which point they’re a valued and trust source?

An argument could be made that had that “usual politics bullshit” been followed, the result might have been at least a profitable movie. In any event, I doubt anyone is going to strong arm their way through the process in the near future.

“Success has a hundred fathers....”

So he had a project he was passionate about and used his star power to convince the studio heads to make the project without going through the usual politics bullshit and the people he snubbed are butthurt about it and sniping at him now that the project lost money.

If you’re talking about building a shared continuity then Shazam/Captain Marvel should have made an appearance in Black Adam. It’s not like Shazam is a lightweight, he’s the goto when you need someone to beat up Superman.

This just. ...restates the sorry-what-is-the-concern? “criticisms” from yesterday. Nothing new.

As tactless as the Rock was handling things, at this point who would trust the WB execs on almost ANYTHING in the lead up to your super hero movie?