
The outrage is especially rich since the Rey/Kylo shippers have been practically drenching their panties/briefs daily online since TRoS came out with pics, fanfic and all sorts of lewd jokes about Reylo getting that sweet, dark/light side loving on. But John makes one bawdy joke and posted a pic that highlighted the

If your child wants to go to college, she should try her best to get good grades and participate in extracurricular activities. Hopefully, your local school system offers financial aid discussions with students and parents to help familiarize you with the process, forms like FAFSA, dates and other information. Attend

God he must be an asshole. Even serial killers manage to find partners or fans. And this creep was a sorta darling of the NRA crowd. So the fact some gun lovin’ nut hasn’t claimed him tells me that he’s truly terrible (which we knew). Good, suffer. 

She keeps using her husband’s illness as a shield for why she’s acting a straight ass with her so-called friends. It’s like she can’t fathom why everyone doesn’t make her the center of attention and give her what she “needs” even though many times folks like Cynthia dropped what they were doing and/or asked what Nene

You would think a squillionaire would be smarter than sending dick pics to his mistress, but here we are. 

Exactly. It’s like two or more stories got thrown together in a blender.

Love the pic of Sheryl used. “I’ll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!”

We see you French Tennis Federation.


I took off a half point because BET had a dish that involved hot Cheetos and meatballs.

Because it looks like there should be a series of books about their wacky adventures.

Would watch.

I can’t stop watching this. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Thank you. I’m looking at a couple of these comments and scratching my head. Even at her best, RZ could never sound like, similar or close to JG at her worst. I’m personally tired of so-so singers being cast to sing and act as a much better singer. Either cast good singers, use the better singer’s actual music or have

There seems to be too many people who wrongly assume that success or expertise in one area means the person can be equally successful and an expert in another. That’s not usually how it works. Don’t get me started on the folks who think being a jerk and a bully means someone is really tough and strong.

It’s degrading. Housekeeping staff are already working hard to earn a paycheck. Making them go on a treasure hunt for tips may seem “fun” to the giver but is really kinda cruel and clueless. “Oh, you’ve cleaned 20 filthy rooms and have 20+ more to go, can you find all of the tips I’ve hidden, whee!”

Oh, Caitlyn.

Can’t be mad. It’s true. Now grab that can on the top shelf. Thanks.

I’m still shocked by that fool having a door lock button on his desk like some twisted Mr. Burns evil type boss. How is this real life?

I’m so sorry. My first job, something similar happened. I did tell. My supervisor was a woman. I provided his little nasty note as evidence. He was performing slightly better than me. Nothing happened to him. I eventually left and shoved this memory deep down in the dark part of my memory. Sadly, I know stories like