
Pierce carried the movie for me. He’s the only character I liked. The kid, mom, Rock, Hawkman, etc., were meh to ugh. I actually want to see more of Pierce as Doctor Fate.

The start of the Shiplap Era!

Exactly. He Who Remains was clearly supposed to be off his rocker. And I think Majors portrayal worked for that character.

It’s a brilliant tactic.

I enjoyed it immensely. I was never bored from start to finish. I also don’t understand much of the criticism of this film EXCEPT that some of the jokes/comedy can be a bit much at times or don’t land well. I think this is true of every Taika-led/influenced film. I usually love his vision but he really needs to learn

Interesting. I loved Soul and Luca and disliked Onward. But do agree with your opinion that Disney crunched some numbers and listened to feedback and decided D+ was the best option for this movie because a delay would not improve the bottom line.

Does it really make sense to keep delaying or should these companies adjust how new movies are released? I don’t think the success of NWH is a good indicator that people are ready to go back to theaters at pre-pandemic levels.

It really is the way. I think CB himself would have wanted the role to go to another actor rather than what’s being done. And I’m not anti-Shuri as the BP, I just don’t think we’re far enough into the overall BP story for that particular storyline just yet.

Saw it on HBO Max. It was weird but good. Not sure I would have seen this in theaters prior to COVID, but I may be inclined to go for the sequel. 

It’s effing lazy and transparent. But also, if they were sincerely looking to honor someone Black, why not actual Black NASA scientists, engineers or astronauts? Johnson, McNair, Jemison, Ericsson, Anderson, Lawrence, Blankson, etc.? Love and honor Harriet, but it’s like she’s only the second famous, historical black

I feel so old. I remember him in Narnia and in We’re the Millers he still had a baby face even though he was technically an adult. I’m sure he’ll do a good job. I wonder if he has to bulk up? He’s like 28-29, they must want him for a few movies. 

I’m going to co-sign others who feel the reviewers are being a bit harsh. I’ve mostly enjoyed these episodes and have no expectation other than the story being told will differ from what’s in the “real” MCU timeline.

What real benefit is there to seeing a movie in a theater vs. home other than early access? It seems like some folks who make movies are in denial about the future of streaming and how consumers will want to watch content. 

Honestly, it’s well past time for these mofos to have a come to Jesus (FSM or whomever) moment and accept the theater experience may not be the dominant moviegoing experience of the future. This was kinda true before the pandemic but it should be abundantly clear 1.5 years after the onset of the pandemic that folks

Vultures’s wife, Doris Toomes, was played by Garcelle Beauvais in Homecoming. The woman in the car is not Garcelle. Not sure who she is supposed to be but the actress is different.

Exactly. Wish they went the simultaneous premiere access route. I paid for BW and would have paid for this too. My state has good vaccination rates but I’m still not ready to sit in a theater. I look forward to watching it when I’m able to do so via streaming.

I could get behind a Thanos-led Planned Parenthood. Who’s gonna block his funding or protest outside of a clinic?

It actually made sense how a strong, smart, competent, natural leader like T’Challa is basically “royalty” in any universe or setting. And he wasn’t just good, he inspired others to be and do better. Whereas Peter, not so much. Poor dude is like half-deity and can barely get right. 

Yeah, that’s a stupid reason and glad it got cut. Waller is supposed to be smart and ruthless. Flag was a liability because he got close to some team members and wouldn’t complete the mission if he knew the real reason the U.S. wanted Jotunheim destroyed. Simple. 

Agree about Waller. I haven’t particularly liked her portrayal in either film. Like you said, she’s supposed to be a smart monster. A sentient, alien kaiju effing up South America is clearly going to be an issue for the U.S. Especially if that thing blabbed about who funded its imprisonment and torture. That’s