
Definitely said “Oh shit that’s a hallway!” at one point.

I figured the “Female Lawyer of the Year” was part of the trap. Lure her to a public celebration with a mean-spirited, misogynistic award, before launching the big revenge-porn expose. 

This was a perfect example of gaslighting that women face.

The fact that She-Hulk has “a normal amount of rage” up to this point in the season and loses control for the first time when she’s slut-shamed/revenge porn-ed actually seemed just about perfect. TBH, I was really hoping that the other women lawyers on stage with her, or even just Mallory Book, would say anything. I

Theres definitely fans of the Venture bros on the writing staff of She Hulk. The line where Daredevil explains the difference between goons and henchmen could have been straight from the mouth of Henchman 21

It’s interesting to see the same person playing the same character under two different interpretations. The Netflix show was good but definitely very into brutal violence, there’s just no way that that would go on Disney+. Flips and acrobatics and knocking dudes out with a single punch is definitely more their cup

I’m also not quite sure why we’re supposed to believe there’s this massive amount of misogyny aimed at She Hulk in a world of at least dozens of female superheroes.

The real world has 3.5 billion women and still lots of misogyny. Not getting your point.

Gotta switch up the suits to keep selling toys.

They do exactly the same with comic runs whenever a new team takes over a character. One team go all gritty and dark with the character and the next team will decide to lighten things up a bit. More than one interpretation of a character is possible.

Which, it hit me -- of course Matt would need to walk; it’s not like NYC where there’s plenty of buildings he can swing to. 

This was a fun episode. Just enough action, comedy, and self-awareness (“Previously on my show”) for me.

I mean... it doesn’t really matter how good of a lawyer she was because the award was essentially a participation trophy for being a woman lawyer.

Definitely not a fan of the “ketchup and mustard” costume, at least compared to his other suits. Hopefully he goes back to his crimson and black suit in his upcoming show.

I was happy to see the lighter, Mark Waid-esque Daredevil in this rather than the broodier version from the Netflix shows.

Eh. It’s comics. Anyone who’s an expert in anything is an expert in everything. You’re a scientist? You know All The Science. You’re a lawyer? You’ve passed every bar and are even trained in maritime law. I bet short order cooks in that universe could work at Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Jollibee without needing training

another green superhero. His name is Leapfrog

in the comics Matt is licensed to practice law in California and New York

In the comics he is CA certified

To go from Matt’s walk of shame, to the first live action she-hulking out.
That was just awesome, it was actually terrifying to see Jen like that.
And Matt’s action reminded me of a certain, although mind controlled at the time, Logan and what he said about him:
“You’re the biggest Himbo i’ve ever known, how are you