
Your mistake is thinking Musk & Trump are smart. All evidence is to the contrary.

Keep in mind since you mentioned it: Corporatism and Fascism have similar goals and will be in bed together. Musk proclaiming he is a “Republican” now because of his Trump-like ego being bruised on Twitter is evidence of such.

These ‘people’, are so cut off from regular society that they cannot fathom consequences for

Yeah, Trump is absolutely not smart. He’s canny in very specific ways - most notably in how to get poor white people to happily participate in their own fleecing - and absolutely shameless, and those two things have allowed him to accomplish what he has.

It’s hard to believe that someone as smart as Musk (and even Trump for that matter) could be so dumb about Civil Rights, Free Speech, Tax, Education, Abortion, Law Enforcement, Classified Documents, etc.

Because they don’t actually want the internet to be a public utility, they want something they can make money off of, where they can say whatever they want, and where they can ban anyone who says something they don’t like. Anyone who actually thinks Musk is gonna turn twitter into a freeze peach paradise is a fucking

Muskie inherited his money (like orange fat turd) so he’s never had to be smart. I used to look up to him because of the things he “did” like Tesla, but now that I know about him, fuck that guy.

It’s hard to believe that someone as smart as Musk (and even Trump for that matter) could be so dumb about Civil Rights, Free Speech, Tax, Education, Abortion, Law Enforcement, Classified Documents, etc.

Elon Musk may be the richest man in the world, but it’s seeming more and more like the guy is going after REAL power. Turns out, Real power does not come from money, it comes from influence. If you can control and harness the political weight of a LOT of people, you can get away with anything. Problem is, only stupid

How are all these people with so much wealth and power so fucking dumb? They don’t even understand the basics of free speech. JFC. 

  • The quotes around Blonsky’s barn are so pointless but so funny. “Today is today.” “Make your goal a reality.” They’re a great touch to give you a sense of his not quite professional level of assistance.

Honestly, I’m just laughing at anyone who is watching this show for Daredevil.  Like, that’s just not the name of the show.

With that info, the fact she throws him into a corner filled with folding chairs isn’t that surprising. But the group points out it’s proof that she has some issues to deal with, and so they all sit down to do just that.

I’ll say it many times, concerning the Webb Telescope: We’ve got the “how to” on the machine. We don’t need to reinvent much of anything in order to duplicate it, and the research and development of the tech used on the telescope was the majority of the cost of it.

I just wanted to see more of Chris Pine. :(

I’d agree. Beyond aside, the nü-Trek movies were an awkward marriage between J.J. Abrams, a would-be “blockbuster” filmmaker who was good with actors but didn’t get the franchise on any level beyond “space movie,” and Orci/Kurtzman, who were clearly familiar with Star Trek but couldn’t distinguish between dopey fan

Mostly I want to see more Karl Urban as McCoy.

Trek has often struggled to marry its cerebral leanings with blockbuster expectations; TV Trek is doing quite well of late and would rather more (say) Strange New Worlds than a Star Trek 4 that’s just one big ‘splosionfest. And I enjoyed “Beyond”, but you could see the Four Quadrant pressure at every turn.

I’d be OK with that, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be fine too.

Don’t forget the Beastie Boys song!

Variety reports that Paramount has pulled the fourth movie in the Kelvin timeline reboot Star Trek saga from its schedule after Matt Shakman was poached by Marvel to direct Fantastic Four.