
It’s not getting as much attention right now as some of the other deleted shows because it was cancelled earlier this year (immediately after the merger) but it did get pulled from the platform alongside the rest of these shows but Close Enough was excellent and it was for adults rather than kids/teens

It seems it is starting to. Warner Discovery’s stock has lost literally 50%-60 of its market value since the merger completed in April. It started to go back up at the end of July, then all the cancelations started getting reported around August 2nd, and, bam, since then, even lower. Even the most obtuse board member

Screw Batman, WB/Discover is in on one superhero and actor only and that is Ezra Miller!!! Because the Flash is SO GOOD(And not because a giant train wreck of a person is great publicity or anything).

Oscar Wilde “ a cynic is someone who knows the cost of everything and the value of nothing”.

Me reading all that corporate jargon

Over the last two weeks—and framed as part of Zaslav’s efforts to cut $3 billion out of HBO Max’s operating budget before it merges with Discovery+—the service has slashed almost 40 shows from its streaming roster.

They may have cancelled Batgirl, but at least they’re fully committal on any Batman project. Let me just take a big sip of coffee and read this article about the new Batman animated series! 

Warner had 4x as much revenue and operating income and 3x as many employees before the merger than Discovery. But recycling home renovation garbage, 90 Day Fiancee and Toddlers and Tiaras has much less overhead and much better margins than prestige dramas.

The thing to remember is that Dream is the original Sad Boi, so looking like a teenage Goth trying desperately to be taken seriously so his mum knows it’s not a phase is entirely appropriate.

Yeah, Gaiman has said it was more of a formal exercise than anything - 24 pages, 24 hours, even though it doesn’t translate to one hour per page. There’s never another character as nihilistic as John Dee again either. I remember being so shocked in the comic when he shoots the lady who gave him a lift and empathised

I was originally surprised when Choronzon had Lucifer as his champion but then it hit me. You don’t hire Gwendoline Christie and then have her just stand in the background during a scene like that.

But the only thing I really took issue with was the choice to have Lucifer battle Dream in Choronzon’s stead. I completely believed, in the comic book, that some sleazy demon would be stumped by Dream’s wits; but it seemed to stretch credibility that the Morningstar would be so easily bested.”

Ah, that was one of the

Gaiman said they tried it with the eyes but they felt like it ended up really distracting from Sturridge’s performance

He’s written pretty extensively about endless (no pun intended) meetings with studios and reading dozens of terrible scripts in his decades long effort to get this adapted to a live action format so I’m both not surprised that he’d only agree to do it if he were in charge and also pretty excited that he seems happy

Mark Maron interviewed Gaiman recently...I think it just was released this week, and it’s a great listen.   Gaiman explains how the show came about and how he only agreed to it if he could be the show runner.   It’s not that he had a huge desire to be the show runner, but it was the only way he could insure that the

So, the gist of this review is that it’s too faithful to the source material? Not that it does a bad job of translating the story into live action, only that you don’t see the point of adapting it into live action at all? Okay? That’s... a novel approach to a review, I guess. I think it’s phenomenal. Exactly what I

Watched the first 2 EPs this morning, and it’s pretty spectacular. Using the letter grade scale, an A- so far (just a few very tiny dings ...)

Hey I love the comic but after the disaster of the Paper Girls adaption I think this one is spot on even if the story is shuffled a bit and antagonists added for tension. Of course it’s clear that having Gaiman involved in any adaption of his work is key to quality now anyway. Good Omens was fantastic too.

I honestly can’t wait for all the people who are about to be calling the show “woke” because they assume there’s no way a comic from one of the Big Two in the ‘90s would be stuffed this full of LGBT material and the show writers must have shoved it all in...and then discover that no, it really is all straight (so to

“but how much praise can you really give something for doing what is essentially the bare minimum in replicating an acclaimed work of art and transferring it into a different medium?”