
Your disagreement with Keeva is exactly why that witch used “sexist” to frame a valid criticism of her behavior. It was meant to distract from her atrocious behavior and give her cover. She is actively working against feminism and rights for women but using “code words” to elicit sympathy from the same group she’s

I imagine the cop was in a bind. He’s not there to referee a dispute between customers and store staff. Since the store staff were being dicks, it was probably in the customers’ best interest to vacate immediately to keep the situation from escalating.

May this baby be representative of America’s future. Also, may she get all the cuddles, kisses and be properly strapped into her car seat henceforth.

Sorry, sounds far too idealistic, like a Dickens novel. “And upon his reluctance to sleep soundly, the miserly, surly, orange-hued leader looked in the mirror and realized he had become what he hates most, and quickly phoned his predecessor for enlightened guidance.” Trump has surrounded himself with anti-Obamas from

If the claims about Pres. Obama pushing for concession and not demanding recounts is true, I will lose most of my respect for him. At some point he needs to learn that turning the other cheek just gives bad people more to abuse. It is past time Democrats learned to fight back.

Because emails! Emails in the morning. Emails in the evening. The MSM was far too busy (mostly) endorsing HRC and stabbing her in the back at the same time to actually investigate and report on Russian interference.

I knew about the Satan hysteria but not “lesbians turn to Satanism for shits and giggles” crap. It sounds like the plot to a stupid SNL skit.

Good grief.


Thank you because I was confused about Kellogg’s testimony the girls had sustained vaginal injuries and then, “nope, my bad, it was incorrect.” WTF? Either they had trauma or not, right? I hope these poor women can move on and enjoy the rest of their lives and sue the hell out of those who framed them. Good grief.

The media is complicit. And now that they know which way the wind is blowing (dry, hot fascism), they are worried more about their own well-being than providing any semblance of truth. Why do you think so many tried that “the left forgot poor white men” narrative before facts and examples of the inherent racism and

Right! Where’s all this free-flowing Soros money? Seems the Republican establishment and white nationalists are making out like bandits while lefties are left with nothing. Get it together, Soros! Of course we know the real answer.

Clearly. I forgot momentarily that we have to move on and think about the left behind working class white men. Despite women and POC overwhelmingly being attacked days after Trump’s win.

i understand we’re still in mourning, but why isn’t the MSM or anyone else following up on Trump’s possible ties to Russia?

And that’s what scares them about an even playing field. They can’t even compete with other white people. Heaven forbid, wimmens and brown people get a seat at the table. You would think being of “superior” genetic stock these folks would excel at all the things.

The headline biased my reading. I read “animal rehabilitation license violations” as “anal rehabilitation license violations.” I thought it was kinda nice folks with anal issues had therapy options.

LOL This happened to me too. All of those tickets and I think we got a plastic ring, an eraser and some stickers. Rigged.

We’re joking but doesn’t this all seem odd? Besides the blatant political hits, Russia is usually a bit more subtle. Or at least smoother with their shenanigans. Are they being brazen or sloppy with their obvious attempts at interference?

I’m sorry he hurt your feelings. Take solace in the facts you: 1) no longer have to deal with his ass; and 2) you totally won the argument. When dipshits can’t successfully argue their point, they turn to name calling.

True. These are the same people who voted for folks who called Obama an elitist for wanting young adults to go to college even though those same politicians had attended college themselves (and most of their relatives).