
Yeah. It’s really bizarre watching people act unhinged over Trump. I can kinda understand the evangelicals and virulent racists who see that history isn’t bending in their favor. But the mom and pop types. Generally sane neighbors. Even they’ve become unhinged in their fervor. For Trump. A joke of a man. He’s become

It’s just bizarre to me that so many place greater importance on symbols than action. If every American flag disappeared and the anthem was never heard again, does America and the ideals upon which it was founded disappear too?

Eh, she sounds a bit snarky and delusional. I was a CNA fan long before I finally broke down and joined the Beyhive. Her writing is beautiful. I don’t expect her to worship Bey or agree with how Bey expresses her feminism, but she damn well knows that many folks were probably exposed to her great writing and

These are the same folks who think he’s a successful businessman and will build a border wall.

The cult-like fervor for Trump is both fascinating and scary. I have no doubt many of them would drink poisoned Flavor aid if he asked them to do it to spite Crooked Hillary and the Beltway Elites.

Just like overt racism! Everything old is new again.


Let’s keep it real. He thinks he’s gonna come in and drop some gossip/dis (Benghazi, Bill’s wandering peen, email gate) and Clinton is gonna get all flustered and cry or something. When that doesn’t work, he’ll default to overtalking and name calling. His deplorable dipshits will be happy. The Heritage Foundation and


Damn, I have seen this comment on every article, across different media properties, in regards to this topic. Right down to “I hate Trump.”

This article and most of the comments got me all in my feels. I’m yaaasing, nodding, laughing and reflecting. Thank you. Seriously.

Thank you. I truly didn’t expect to see such comments gaining traction on Jez. I don’t particularly care for her or her brand. But when I heard what happened, I felt bad for her. It really is just plain jealousy. A lot of folks don’t get why she’s famous but nothing she’s doing/done is hurting anyone. All the evil in

I would love for her family to fade into obscurity but she’s not hurting anyone with her “life”. Clearly, folks like what she does or she wouldn’t be successful. Far too many other bad things in the world to consider her brand of vapid fame whorishness anything but mildly annoying.

Yep. And it’s directly across from the Federal Triangle Metro station. As long as the cops weren’t on his heels, he could change in the station and be on his merry way.

Nope, Tiffany.

Maybe. But I’m 100% sure soup has been a part of their sexy fun times.

There will always be sellouts (various minorities, LGBT, women) who feel that what’s being said/done will never apply to them because they’re one of the “good ones.” It’s a strong level of delusion.


Oh shit. Your neighbor was the tooth fairy!