I don’t even know how to process this information.
I don’t even know how to process this information.
Followed by, “you’re fat/ugly/stupid/drama queen/a cunt/SJW/the real racist,” for calling out their BS.
Yep. If they keep re-electing his ass let them deal with the consequences. Personal responsibility and all that.
The tabloid universe would fold in on itself if such a thing were to occur.
I hope the kids will come out fine. Now, pleasantries aside, I can’t WAIT for the epic Brangeloonie meltdowns and JenaniStan taunts. Gossip boards are gonna be lit for months.
These monsters should be exposed if the evidence is really damning. Yes, I understand there are legal liabilities.
Honestly, it was just so poorly conceived and executed. That's what annoys me the most. The t-shirt, meeting the parents, the wholesome PDA, all within 3 weeks of "dating" or some such nonsense. It was like a 12 year old's fan fiction story written in a Lisa Frank notebook come to life. "And then we had the best party…
Maybe also stop celebrating families who use a woman’s womb like a clown car.
I can see where she’s coming from tying her celibacy to feminism: her worth is more than being a wife and a mother. In days gone by, or hell even today, she’d be seen as an old maid who’s probably “defective” because no man “wants” her. That she ties her ability to choose the life she wants to her faith does not mean…
It’s a red herring meant to divert attention away from the initial argument. Apparently standing during the national anthem does more for veterans than fucking Congress ensuring they’re properly cared for during and post-service.
If your 11 year old can’t understand peaceful protest you’re doing something wrong.
So do you think they've finally abandoned Benghazi or are they waiting to see if she wins before launching investigation #562?
A better gospel singer? Nope. She has great range and a lovely voice but she’s just okay with gospel.
Do it. I was a teen mom in a dysfunctional religious household. Best decision I made was getting Norplant (no horrific side effects, thank goodness). This was important because the relationship with my child’s dad ended before she was born and then I ended up in an abusive relationship. A kid with that monster would…