
So... i... um... 'tasted the rainbow' before settling down with a nice Chinese man who thought he hit the jackpot to find a mixed American Indian gal who spoke Chinese. :) It's also a bonus that we come from similar class and cultural values because we don't fight over things like helping our parents manage money and

For a hot minute I thought this was about corn meal... otoh I believe it was that part of the country where mrchien was told 'we don't serve your kind here' five years ago when he was trying to pump some gas. Lest you think that's unique to the south, we get some hard stares when we visit the rural part of CA I grew

I remember hearing about that sort of thing when i was in college. I grew up in a teeny tiny rural town so we had the sense of being safe from that kind of thing because we knew who the gays were in town. (I still roll my eyes at that to this day) I did my college in the Bay Area and that's when shit got real because

I used to be in ministry so i have no doubt these kinds of conversations are still happening. As for your friend i am sympathetic to her concerns in that she's a parent who wants to do what's best for her child but as someone who's worked with youth and has looked at the science on the topic, she is deeply misguided

What happened to Texas since then?!

I was trying to explain to some young whipper snapper just how pervasive sex ed was in my day because of AIDS and they just didn't get it. You barely hear about HIV and AIDS these days but if you look at the media from that period it was everywhere!!

I know that now but when i was 11 and watching that whole story it all got conflated in my brain. That's how scary the whole thing was at that time!

Well to be fair, this video looks like it was made in the early 90's or late 80's and at that time sex could kill if you didn't use protection. I'm an old and my family was not religious at all and I remember our public school sex education classes opening with that very line because this was before the AIDS cocktail

Well technically the term is used for people who are half Asian and half whatever. But I hope any future kidlets would be proud of all their heritages. :)

Is this a rhetorical question?? ;)

I was a music minor and an instrumentalist waaaay back in the day. So i've forgotten a lot of my training, but there are some things that never quite fade away and my ear training, so far, has been one of those. And yeah it was a solid performance and she's a solid performer with good pipes, no doubt.

My husband is really happy Big Hero 6 won because it's one of the few films out there featuring Asian Americans and hapa kids. He's Asian, I'm American Indian and if we pop out kids they'd be hapa, so this is a film we could share with them. I haven't seen the other films so I can't compare. But in this case

I'm with you on this. It was a good performance but she's not Julie in her prime :)

Thank you for this! I was trying to explain to someone that she's clearly not singing in the same key and range as Julie Andrews and they were arguing with me. IIRC Julie is a coloratura and Gaga is a Mezzo so there's no way Gaga could have sang the same music. But whoever put that arrangement together and her voice

I thought her performance was good. But i think more props should go to her voice coach and whoever changed the key of the music to match her voice range. But then again she had to do that in the shadow of Julie Andrews (who I still adore) and that's a hard act to follow.

Emma Stone holding on to the Lego Oscar while being announced just makes her more endearing to me.

OMG me too! So far that's been the highlight of the show for me. I'm easy to please ;)

I'm not gonna lie i was thoroughly distracted by the winner of costume design's earrings. I wants them!!

The UK has a big problem with cultural appropriation in general. Also notice how he lumped us all together. He couldn't be arsed to tell us which tribes he appropriated those designs from. I'm going to guess primarily Southwest Tribes cuz that's what's hot to steal these days...

The trailer was nice and all, but I found your tag to be far more amusing. ;)