Just doing my civic duty. :)
Just doing my civic duty. :)
Wait... are they handing out 'No Wiener' hats?!?
I just want to know if those annotations deal with the misinformation about American Indians in her books.
I'll be honest, i have yet to finish it because halfway through i just got sad and needed a break. But it is nice to see those court cases through an indigenous lens....
I noticed that you skipped over Native Americans, which is typical for this conversation. Not angry, just something that happens a lot to us. However I did want to lead you to one of my favorite resources for teachers and parents trying to source books on American Indians. It's a good starting place for including…
And i'll be adding that to my amazon wishlist. I mainly visit the ASU Center for Indian Education for my thesis. There's so few of Indians in academia. BTW have you read this book? So frustrated with what's going on in AZ because it ends up hurting kids in the long run...
You know this is all probably hormones and changes in brain, right? This woman may crash soon and it's not going to be pretty...
They also said the same thing about us Gen X'rs. If you read the stuff published about us in the nineties it's almost exactly the same stuff...
I hope to observe their Native American language classroom in the coming weeks. This one has pretty good reviews, but that's mainly because most of the leadership are Native Americans and the curriculum has been changed to meet their cultural needs and interests. You can learn more about the schools and their funding h…
Thank you for covering this story. We still have boarding schools here in the States and while some have changed, some now are operated with and have more input from the Indian communities they serve, they still carry the legacy of abuse...
Sorry to inform you but we still have boarding schools in the US. I just spent the afternoon at one here in Southern California...
My mom doesn't text, but my grandma does and she loves to use the smiley face and heart emojis because those are the ones she can see on her phone. Most of her texts these days are about dr's appts and how granpa is doing. She's in her eighties so i have a hard time deleting these texts. I know i'll want to reread…
My inner cynic thinks someone got bribed somewhere... :(
Cuz she knows who butters her bread!
You can buy some fancy ones here and wear them with pride!
Speaking of his crazy network's BS... oh and did we all forget about his questionable ethics in journalism and the hell they put a murdered girls family through? I keep wishing we'd find something to sue him for in the States...
As a transplant to the inland empire.... nevermind i forgot my rebuttal. Carry on....
I'm a bit bummed this sunday, i'd been following the story about the infant kidnapped in Long Beach because it was soo random and was hoping they'd find her alive. I guess they found the infant dead in a dumpster in San Diego. I'm a bit surprised at how invested i got in the story. I'm normally pretty good at…