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I lived in Asia including China for a couple of years and my husband is Taiwanese, so I've been eating the real stuff for a long time. (Chinese men tend to be the cooks of the house so I'm really spoiled) Here's what crazy is that the real food you had was most likely adapted for your family. I only get the

My in-laws are Chinese so all the weird superstitions happen on the lunar new years. In my family our tradition is to clean house and watch the Rose Parade if we don't wake up in time we either dvr it or catch a rebroadcast. Oh and my grandma likes to ring a big handbell at midnight. We figure it's safer than guns

Mark... are you just using this story as bait so you can get an even grosser story from the commentariat?? You are aren't you?! -_-

Well in our cases we both married into racism. But we've both been good at protecting each other around our extended family.

Well we're both 'ethnic' so my relatives don't make those kinds of insults. But they've also learned that I have no problem handing their asses to them. There are some people we're just waiting to die off...

This is easy, marry out! That's what I did... things get quiet when my husband shows up. It also helps that my family really likes him and are really trying to get to know him. It's just awkward at times... Sadly it hasn't really worked with his folks, but at least they're trying in their own way...

I tried to see if I could do the equivalent of this with a magazine from the same time period, but with Native Americans....and, well... it was disappointing. Were there only magazines for white people at the time?!

Now playing

Clearly he bought that thing from the wrong guy! He should've contacted this guy for his dead bobcat needs :)

Masi! Let's hope they get enough signatures so that they'll have to address this issue!

I've been there, done that. I eventually walked away from ministry. It's only recently that i've even considered looking for a new church. I miss the community, but...

I used to be like your friend and i 'cured/controlled' it with ritalin, buspar and lots of CBT. But i had to hit rock bottom and admit there was a problem before i sought help. I still struggle with time management and organization but i've learned how to talk about, ask for help and bow out. For some of my long time

Can't help with the beards, drugs or flying but it looks like you've gotten lots of good advice already. But as for the plantar, i found the best thing was to stay off my feet for a week (easy to do cuz i had surgery at the time) and to wear one of these night splints for a couple of weeks whenever i feel it trying to

After reading about this shady deal in congress, i needed this... soo angry over this, I hope someone over here is willing to shed light on this, or at least get folks to sign the petition. Ok... back to watching the soothing cute video...

Its a happy spot for me on the interwebs :)

Sounds like a good possibility... I have family who vote conservative and then complain about their lack of access to services. -_-

I haven't seen those... i'll have to google them now, after finals ;)

Ooooo good suggestion!! (off to Amazon!)

*raises hand* This american indian has some fox news loving conservative black friends (who I adore, long story- don't hate) who fill her social media accounts up with some crazy stuff... what would be the perfect shade gift for them? Or should i just pretend that i forgot it was christmas and send them a happy new

I showed the to my husband and i think it backfired, cuz he said that this sealed his determination to get a puppy instead of a kitten. I tried to argue for both!! I may have to try slip this link onto his computer to counteract the effect...