
FYI, the subject of this article has posted her ultrasound pics and they have identifying information. Other than that, fascinating read, still digesting. But it is amazing how connected brain and body is. And what's scary about mental illness is that it can strike you and you may not even be aware of it...

That was a lot of fun and given how rough my monday is going, it was a needed comedy break. Thanks for sharing :) ETA: I will not be clicking on your colleague's disgusting story cuz i have my limits :)

He's on the policy and privacy side of things but the need for mental health services did increase drastically in the weeks following. For some reason people have a hard time admitting that there are systemic and cultural problems in the US that are the source of much pain and suffering... and then there are those

My husband works for the UC system and that whole incident doubled his workload because of where he works in it (being deliberately vague). What's scary is that those shootings could've happened almost anywhere. And yeah, the conclusion we came to was that misogyny fueled by the internet is a huge problem,esp since

If you met the grandma in question you'd know she's the sweetest thing ever, which made this remark even more noteworthy and funny. ;)

Well... they tried?? But yeah, still pretty racist seeming... BTW the Smithsonian had an interesting article on the racist history of Peter Pan.

pssst... i have it on good authority that said octogenarian is a total badass who goes out on the ocean and catches her own salmon along with other fish. She also smokes her own salmon and makes salmon jerky :)

*going for the easy joke*

Cue the mommy wars and anecdotal stories in 5,4,3....

Please tell me that in your live thread you'll tackle the problematic handling of Native Americans in the source material and in subsequent productions. I know they hired an American Indian consult so it's supposed to be all good, but this Native American still remains skeptical because of years of history and the

I just realized that these are two different productions... but regardless i still think that there are some productions that are just best left to moulder in the history books and this musical is one of them. I won't be watching and even with an American Indian consult i'm still cynical that the problematic bits

Dangit all my fluffy hug gifs are on another device!! Kids are hard because your body changes soo much after you have them and i've noticed that they tend to bring up long hidden issues and cultural baggage. It's just hard....

Hugs... sounds like your mom was emotionally abusive. My mom was similar but in different ways. It took a lot for me to work through it. I wish i had magical fix it advice for you, but the only thing that helped me was years of therapy and really good friends...

It sounds to me like your neuroticism is a bigger issue than your introversion. I'm an introvert who gets chatty when anxious, so people always assume I'm an extrovert, add in ADHD and I just confuse people. I can go out there and socialize and be with groups of people because I don't have social anxiety, I just need

Happy birthday! I miss the bay area, and have a safe trip. I think it's supposed to rain up there!

I just checked the updates too. I'm not in LA but I am in SoCal. :)

I hope your sister is safe!

Are you in LA?

Just FYI protesters have shut down the freeway in LA you can watch the live stream of it here: