
Sheesh, could you put a trigger warning for these pics?! That's too gruesome for a monday night!!

I think the key is being blue collar, your folks didn't have enough money to really enforce those gender roles they both had to work to keep you all fed. :)

You're right... hrmmm would a taser be ok?

Every time I read these stories I think of this famous image and it just frustrates me that women are still dealing with this... I need wine!

I'm a bit similar too. I always attributed it to my cultural background. My grandmother's tribe is matriarchal and my mom was definitely the head of the household. But also being rural, women needed to be able to do some physical labor to help with the household chores so dressing all pretty was normally reserved for

To add to the creep factor,Cosby's shirt in that picture says ' Your good friend' in Chinese. This whole thing makes me sad...

I'm so, so sorry.... And now i have a vision of you living someplace like middle of nowhere vermont (i spent a summer there, and yeah...). Sadly 99 Ranch doesn't deliver. :(

My inner californian recoils at this... but having lived abroad and seen weirder things i can only shrug. Plus i'm married to a chinese man who has to put up with panda express...

Now playing

LoL, nice! So can the follow up be a timeline of dangerous backsides? I submit exhibit A for your consideration:

Nope, he's mine!! Just don't tell my husband. ;)

Yup, time and again I've had people argue with me, go back and watch them walk away stunned that they'd forgotten those bits...

Have you heard this interview Martha did with my NPR boyfriend Kai? (no I refuse to believe that's weird!) I'm trying to figure out if that's shade or reading she threw on Goop. Maybe I should've posted this on the most recent Shade Court post. Heres the link cuz kinja hates my phone. >:(

After all if the KJV was good enough for Paul it's good enough for us! Amirite?!

Sorry Tracy, as best I can tell this is just one study. I think you kind of addressed it with all the caveats. But as someone in the social sciences, albeit different field, I can't take this too seriously yet. Esp. given all the caveats mentioned. For all the other non-science folks out there, I'm going to leave

But, but, can I still find the video adorable? Please!

I know this is old but after reading this article that lays out how we're all confident idiots i can't help if the combination of these two psychological phenomena is the reason that I still have yet to make it to the gym and to turn off jez and finish my grad school research...

It's on my list of places to see before i'm too old to enjoy it! :)

aaawww they looked soo relaxed until the camera guy made them move! Not nice camera guy, not nice!!