I've lived in Asia and Europe and always felt pretty safe when i was there, with a few notable exceptions. In general i try to take precautions when traveling, even in the US
I've lived in Asia and Europe and always felt pretty safe when i was there, with a few notable exceptions. In general i try to take precautions when traveling, even in the US
I was hoping someone from NZ would chime in! Interesting that it's primarily teens and in a small town...
Have you seen the New Zealand recreation of this video? She only got stopped twice and once was for directions. So....
He is a cutie!
Google knows me better than my husband sometimes, which is kind of creepy...
I tried to Google 'bang bang' to watch the original video, cuz I'm am old with eclectic tastes and Google gave me this. It may be time to delete my history and start with a clean slate. ;) :
Thanks for making me cry! ;( Thanks for sharing that...
aawww, maybe next time? I had no idea about this until my friend flashed her tix and to be honest i kind of wanted to go, but was kind of scared of it too.
A friend posted a pic of her tickets the other day. I await for her to flood my timeline with pics any day now! :)
In some American Indian cultures men cut their hair to show they are grieving the loss of a loved one. Sherman Alexie talks about it in some of his interviews and works.
Cute! But can Maru answer why these cats are so sad? :)
Oh man,i was in Asia for that whole fiasco. I had to quarantine myself when I came home because people were scared about it, even though I was completely asymptomatic. I think the smog was more dangerous than SARS!
I'm sorry, i can't bring myself to click on the video... everything i've seen so far just leads me to believe it's going to be as bad as the Les Miz movie. It may be my cyncial Gen X'r coming through :(
*whew* i mean, oh darn!
This is really cute Mark, it made my evening, which given how i started out my day was a nice change. :) But i'm sure that just around the corner you're going to cover this story and creep/scare us all out at -_-
I'm now going to have to find that and watch it!
See you understand my need for a seat!!
Years of practice my friends, years of practice!!
When i was there i had moments when i wished i'd brought one of those... but then i'd worry about the splashing o_O
Doood that was nice compared to some of the ones i've seen in less developed parts of Asia!