labeled: crazy aunt kanye

Here's the rub, in order to have a "No Contact Order" filed against your assailant(s), you have to give your name. So, if you do report AND want to ensure the bastards have to stay out of your dorm hall, for example, everyone's name goes on the report. So if you fear retaliation, your anonymity effectively goes out

Dude, where do you live? Cigarettes are pretty much the antithesis of "cheap and easy" to get a hold of when you're a teen.

Nicotine use isn't any more dangerous than a couple of lattes with an extra shot or two, and that's even taking the addictive qualities into account - it's basically still on par with caffeine, which also causes addiction and withdrawals.

Nicotine, though addictive, is about as physically harmful as caffeine. And "concerns" aren't "facts" (unless you're Hobby Lobby and you're "concerned" about "abortive" bc).

Good thing we're not talking about cigarettes, then.

Right, but use a vaporizer to vape nicotine liquid and you're the damn devil/killing yourself/encouraging teen use.

lives in Tornado Alley/is terrified & in awe

Why does microwaving combos sound like a such good idea when I know it's just going to end in purchasing a new microwave?

I want to sit here and just star the fuck out of this all day. If you get six zillion recommends, you know why.

redacted: I'm just too tired of talking about it for one day

[earnest] Mark, you are legitimately the best - watching you actually interact with your readers is truly remarkable around here. Good on ya. [/earnest]

Circus act? I think that's exactly what he's going for. Or you know (warning, Feminism Alert) he's been raised to believe that it is, quite literally, his manhood.

I didn't say it would get to ten - not suggesting that they're magic, just that there's some leeway when things get real.

No, they elongate as well. I mean, that kind of makes it like Hermione's magic purse and all, but still.

Yeah agreed. But at least we all had a moment to pause and appreciate (or not), research, ACK STOP RESEARCHING*, and appreciate the fact that most of us are not exactly into guys with equipment the size of a genoa salami.

Kinja's definitely the gift that keeps on giving.

It was a tough call. The Jez mainpage can be so painfully literal I figured without it I'd be fending of "OMG, foreplay is the best/ why u hate foreplay?/my bf's foreplay lasts for days, I feel so sorry for you - do you need help?" replies for a week.

Foreplay's for wimps. ;)

Oh, forgot I'm on Jezebel, where one person's anecdote will always trump the broadest "knowledge." So, good on you and your six inch vagina. Rock on. But it still doesn't mean the "average vagina is only 4 inches deep" or even 6 inches when aroused.

They stretch, though, when aroused. /the more you know