
I mean Azelia is definitely not well in the psychiatric sense. I vaguely recall something about that during her feud with the Wu Tang guy. But even a mentally disordered person can be right once in awhile. The fact is that Cardis fans are primarily white women. That’s the ONLY way to push someone like Taylor Swift

I’m having a much rougher Mother’s Day than I had anticipated. Two weeks ago I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer and just found out that they’re going to do a hysterectomy in a couple of weeks to remove the cancer. I’m incredibly grateful that I’ll recover from this, but indescribably sad that I will never get to

Azealia’s self hatred is something else and I hope Cardi can see it for what it is. 

This is my takeaway from this, as well. I’ve become more aware of the right to representation that voices from the low end of the socioeconomic spectrum should have, after an early life of feeling like my working class culture and manner of speech made me lesser than the 1%. Working class dialects aren’t necessarily

Yes that’s what I meant by standard she cannot meet. Haven’t seen any Cardi B interviews, but Banks’ eloquence sometimes comes across like the ravings of a mad mind.

The part where she calls her a caricature of a black woman is especially offensive. Banks doesn’t have authority over how black women can or cannot act. It goes back to the madonna or whore, mammy or the jezebel dichotomies. Either black women are the monolith from which we place Michelle Obama at the top of the

Banks is ruining her comeback attempt. ‘Anna Wintour’ is a solid single.

...i’m fucking sick

Azaelia Banks is more talented than Cardi B tho. Her voice is pretty damn good.

Azaelia Banks is incredibly talented, unfortunately she is also a complete cunt. If she just focused on herself and her career instead of this hateful shit she spews all the time she could be great.

Stop it, you mindreader, you! Insipid is the name of the game, and I am embarrassed that I have prior knowledge of this Bebe Rexha person’s music. It. Is. Not. Great.

Tell it! This is why that Iowa 6-week ban is so dumb.

Very true, and despite how hard I’ve worked to fill in my own gaps in sex ed over the course of my life (even having been raised in fairly liberal SoCal — we just do not, as a country, equip women with much info at all about our own bodies, and we certainly didn’t when I was in middle school 20 years ago), I honestly

And there is a giant socially enforced shame for women who have miscarriages. I can’t believe the number of women who years later disclose they had a miscarriage, went to counseling, had private church services, etc. for a miscarriage in the first trimester.

I had the same thing happen.

Yep yep yep. I am irked that Scarlet Johannsen was okay with being a part of this obvious bullshit.

Yes, process seems to be the issue. Sad hill for that rapist to die on. And let’s hope the academy did this right, especially if it did have ultimately the right to boot him.

Well, she died from gas fumes AFTER she “got dropped off”, um I mean, she “hit her head”, um I mean ...

If you find yourself struggling every time a man kills a woman for no reason other than that he’s violent and fucked up, I can’t imagine how you find time for anything else.

I hope he rots. I say this not because I believe that violence corrects violence, but because I have this very sick feeling she was not the first person - Just the most prominent.