
I agree, if people understand that there might be a consequence for lying to 911 operators they might hesitate before calling police out under false pretenses.

They just need to start fining people for making a false police report. The cops are obliged to respond. they just need to start punishing the people who make the ridiculous calls and waste the police’s time.

Chances are they did not call the police and say “You need to come out here because some people are playing a game too slowly.” More likely it was accusations of non-payment, non-membership, and most importantly “disruption” - none of it is true, of course, but the police don’t know that when they get a call.

That would be great, if we could also pay damages to the people who were victimized by said egregious behavior. Seriously, you hit it right on the head, the Police are just descendants of slave and indentured servant ‘catchers’. They are here to protect the ruling class and their property, from everyone else. If their

It always really annoys me when I go to a conference and listen to a speech given by a women and she mentions being a mom first. I want to hear about her professional achievements not her personal ones. It always feels like they must couch their expertise or professional achievements with personal ones.

It’s totally bullshit. The all-island #IBelieveHer rallies in solidarity with the victim are heartening though.

Sad, but true.

The whole relationship seemed like a PR construction.

She is the living embodiment of the “I’m sorry because I got caught” school of owning up. When your only arbiter is other people calling you out, that’s not a good sign.

Does she ever try to acknowledge that she’s been wrong?

That’s what we need to change. But if you read Andrew Sullivan today, apparently we cannot because, you know, testosterone.

I think there’s even more to this. Boys and girls approach sex with a pronounced asymmetry. Both have a new set of hormones creating strong levels of interest in sex, but there also has to be a consideration of potential downsides. The potential downsides of sex are much worse for girls than for boys - both

Yup... I have a “friend” who is only with his wife because he pursued her relentlessly until she was worn down enough to finally say yes. The do not seem especially happy together.

I like the idea that our morality is shifting away from this, because even as a man, I dislike the notion that sex is predicated on overcoming a woman’s resistance. This is an actual conversation I’ve had:

Or if the guy doesn’t like the post-sex outcome, he magically doesn’t have autonomy anymore and it’s the woman’s fault now.

Yes I agree, this happened to me and I’m not sure how to describe it. A lifetime of coercion and uncertainty. Have another glass of wine to relax, to make sure you go through with it. It’s not rape. What is it?

Of course he’s a racist, a lot of the people at the top don’t cast black people or POC, they want to live in their lily white world, but as soon as they’re looking for a bad guy to cast, the casting call for black males goes out to central casting.

I absolutely love the way she stood up for herself, but that’s about all it was. She was rah, rah, rah girl power because it was trendy, it made her money, and she rightfully got justice from getting groped by some pervert.

I’m of this same mind. When I was a kid, the klan used to march in our town once a year. We gave the permits & all the legal things that entails when you’re granted one to have a parade, notified the town’s businesses on the parade route that this thing was happening and when. The town pretty much shut down and no

‘landfill on fire underground and about to encroach on a nuclear waste dump and people know about this but no one seems to care’ is basically the perfect metaphor for 2017