
What scene? I can’t put my finger on it.

I’m with you, it is news - it should be reported on a women’s interest news site, and it’s incredible how many people who are sympathetic to Trump’s victims are invoking the “provability” of Millwee’s accusations.

You could make an attempt to have a discussion online without being condescending and nasty to EVERYONE.

Ok, full disclosure, I want to see Trump put face-first into a woodchipper. I won’t be the one to do it, but let’s just say I won’t be the one to pick up the marbles around it.

Why is she confusing to you, though. She’s just one of those annoying people who is constantly lying and starting shit. Then, when called out, she blames everyone else and never takes responsibility for her actions.

But I feel like that type of BS is what undecided voters love. I’m purely guessing, but they seems to like vague useless nonsense.

Go back far enough and #WeAreAllFish

Rachel Dolezal is on her way to your house to discuss this and celebrate.

Directed by David Fincher.

I want a murder mystery where KellyAnne slowly kills off members of the Trump campaign.

My dog ate an orange highlighter last night. In a few hours I should be able to send you a picture of my idea for what should play Trump.

Plus, there are tons who CAN leave and are not doing so. I grew up in a mandatory evac area. Tons of people stayed and some even did dumb shit like go outside during the eye of the storm and almost get themselves and their kids killed via waterspout. I’m GLAD he brought up children, that may be the motivator for some

I would immediately think Hotep if a man called me his queen.

I think it’s hilarious sometimes how you can tell when a celebrity has broken up with a boyfriend/girlfriend because suddenly this person isn’t in all their posts. Sometimes it just fades out and sometimes it’s sudden, but you can always tell. I don’t have any social media friends that I know personally who do that

Really? Hillary lost in 2008 because her camp thought she was so inevitable, she shouldn’t have to canvass as hard.

I’m curious to see what happens. I suspect it will be a bloodbath--I hope so--but the misogyny in the electorate means she has to walk a fine line between aggression and “shrew.” Not fair, but it’s true.

Sure as hell hope not. I want her to crush him out of existence. I want her to leave him as a cheeto-colored smear on the debate floor.

YES. Tiny hands and thin skin.

True, you see someone juggle flaming, running chainsaws and think “meh” that’s been done before, and then you see a dog juggle just one juggling pin and are amazed he can do so. It’s so weird that people perceive an amazing performance based on expectation rather than accomplishment.

According to her son Moses who--surprise, surprise!, is currently estranged from her--Mia Farrow beat her adopted children, and would fly at them in uncontrolled rages with regularity.