I’m mad that I clicked on this article
I’m mad that I clicked on this article
Embiid hitting the rookie wall in his fourth year is the most Process thing of all time.
Might as well just say “Stop breathing air.”
Tough decision. His heart is between a rock and a hard place.
“May God one day grant us all the self-assurance necessary to do whatever the real-life equivalent of joining a 73-win team is, and then proceed to lecture people about not working hard enough.”
GW truly is something, legendary. Thirty years from now when my grandkids hear the names Curry, Thompson, Green, their eyes will go wide and they’ll say they were the greatest ever. They’ll also say Durant was a bitch.
So stupid. +1
If Arkansas, then maybe they should ask him.
I’ve run out of different ways to say “LeBron is the best player I’ve ever watched, and I will be incredibly bummed when he finally retires”
I would cosine his rant, but that probably isn’t a good idea considering his feeling on the Pythagorian Theorem.
Jordan would have let it slide to make sure the team covered.
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
Swing and a miss, Katherine.
No, it means he’s calling him a whore. I don’t know Stephen Colbert on a personal level, but I am 100% sure he’s not homophobic. Cool attempt to gin up controversy though.
Poor kid, no father to prevent him from becoming a full-kit wanker.
He might be the MVP, but he’d have been hero if he took a chance and got his bonus AND his 69th 3 of the season.