
Genuine question: What is your ideal solution to the issue?

Logo Lillard is the dopest nickname going right now. 

Hi Kevin-

OR... it’s just comedy.

Basically Trump:

LeBron’s best bet for extending his career and taking down the Warriors is teaming up with Kawhi. Am I the only one who sees this?

Mr. Irving, Mr. Reddick: What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no

Another pro fast food move: adding Big Mac sauce to a McDouble. Do me on it!

Rational Giants fan here:

As they say, a meat-eating bike rider is worse for the environment than a vegetarian SUV driver. And gassy cows are worst of all.

Why are you going after a totally level-headed and valid comment? Nothing he said is incorrect, nor is it incendiary. All he’s saying is the video did not show every detail that is laid out in Bennett’s memo. Full stop.

I don’t click on Lavar Ball posts to consume the content. I click on Lavar Ball posts to see the comments about how much people hate him so I can feel good about how much I hate him. Fuck that guy.

While this is indeed a stupid invention, there isn’t just juice inside of the package- there’s actual fruit, which is being pressed. The video shows that pretty conclusively.

Who is this Jeb Lund guy? I have a feeling it’s Magary with a made up name.

No. Fuck that. The reason people let Lavar Ball in the media is the same reason Donald Trump is president. I’m so tired of giving credence to outlandish statements just because they’re “fun.” Enough with the “yeah, but he’s an entertaining asshole.” If you need an asshole to be entertained, you are an asshole. That

Let’s give you a 9 foot hoop (assuming you’re approximately a foot shorter than WCS) and have you recreate this. Mmmk.

First of all, that’s a ridiculous dunk and this kid is a beast. But also, suuuuuper cool of you guys running it up on a team of scrawny white kids. This coach is an asshole. Tell these kids to quit running on the break. Fine- “If you don’t like it, stop it”, but now he’s asking for some chippy no-name to intentionally

How about GAYLORD Perry? More like Gaylord.... er, just Gaylord works fine.

Did you, ya know, read the article?

I often wonder at what age, when given a blank canvas, my first thought won’t be “draw a dick.”