
Hey Nong Man!!!

I feel compelled to tell you that language evolves.

Sad news: Rome died. Now we get to evolve language however we want.

I disagree, didn’t he ask her more than once, “Are you sure you don’t need me to go to the appointment with you?” Or something along those lines? I thought he seemed fairly willing to go. I watched the episode last week though so I could be remembering things wrong. But I clearly remember him asking her to consider

That’s the thing though, her resiliency is her downfall here: she just took on all her pain and the shittiness of the day herself (like she’s done for so long) instead of sharing with Ralph like you would in a healthy relationship. She has a support system but doesn’t know how to use it or ask for help. So instead she

Lucky for me, my grandparents didn’t give me shit. Or, rather, they did give me some cheap plastic and enamel shit from the fifties. Nothing anyone would ever mistake for an heirloom, though.

PC is strong as hell, but even her strength has limits. Everyone can be pushed to the breaking point, and when they break they’re not going to act rationally.

Clearly asexuals are people towards whom you’re incapable of feeling any empathy. That only reflects poorly on you. The irony here is that your 2nd comment is the answer to your 1st question.

Todd’s sexuality would be exactly as limiting in terms of stories they could tell about him if he was straight. The idea that straight is the default and alternatives take up narrative space is a common one online, and it never makes sense to me.

You’d never see anyone saying “I wish they weren’t focusing on Princess

I wouldn’t say they’re “persecuted” but considering I’ve literally never seen a storyline about an asexual person on TV before I’d at least say they could use some more representation. I don’t think every Todd storyline needs to be about how he’s asexual, but it’s a nice character detail and I’m glad they gave it some

“You don’t like sex? What is wrong with you???”

Watch the show, ignore the fan base. Actively avoid the fan base. Fan bases ruin everything.

The “baseline competence” aspect is really key, I think. Which is why something like Troll 2 is an incredibly good bad movie, because while the acting and effects are all terrible, the general editing, cinematography, and pacing are all solid. And then something like Manos: the Hands of Fate is unwatchable, except

The best way to watch it, imo, is the way I first saw it: with a few friends and some drinks and having no idea what to expect.

Climb out of your own ass. No one who uses “virtue signaling” in conversation is worth listening to.

do you guys even know what virtue signaling means anymore

Oh fuck off with your “virtue signaling” right-wing shibboleth

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”

I couldn’t not.

“Intimacy issues resolved for now”?! REALLY. Because - and granted, I have limited first hand knowledge of these issues - if a relationship that needs physical intimacy to remain healthy can only get it when the partners involved are angry at one another, those issues are FAR from resolved. In fact it just