
“but they’re not exactly a persecuted group.”
Just a massively over-looked one and hugely unrepresented in pop-culture. I would hardly say it’s distracted from the wacky-shenanigans so far this season, they’ve managed to blend the two pretty perfectly.
His conversation with Emily lead directly into the drone-throne

It’s why older bad movies tend to work better.
When you’re shooting on physical film, that’s a level of cost where you have to at least pay for someone who knows how to expose a frame and get the subject in focus.
Now the barrier for entry for making a feature film is so low you get 90-minute home-movies like Birdemic,

“They give out these little pamphlets that say all the stuff to yell out.”

I don’t know why but I’m guessing it’s a video game, virtual reality or a show-within-the-show but I guess we’ll see.
With the extra episodes I don’t mind Black Mirror going out of it’s uncomfortable comfort zone.

I’m not sure “copyright troll” = “savvy at business”.

I think you mean neither.

I assumed that joke was meant to be satirical, deliberately exagerating the trope of “the princess giving the hero a reward” for comedic effect and to point out how ridicules it is.
And perhaps Jane Goldman intended for it to be that when she wrote the script but given some of Matthew Vaugn’s interviews about the


Bojack Horseman?

I remember it not being terrible but then I was 14 at the time so god knows if I was right.
All I remember is there was a joke about a squirrel drinking Red Bull and it stopping time like the Quicksilver scene in Day of Future Past 8 years later.
No idea why that scene left such an impression on me and yet I remember

When I first heard of this I thought "Wow, that's a really long time after the original to bring out a sequel will anyone still remember the first film?"
And then I realized I was thinking of the 2006 film Over the Hedge and hadn't even heard of The Nut Job 1.

"Will Arnett, I must assume he couldn't get out of the contract, because I
know he doesn't need this shit anymore, he has Netflix money and Lego
It's not like this kind of thing is a huge time investment, just a couple of days in a V/O booth for some extra cash, he doesn't even need to get dressed.
It's not like

Ah, I've only seen bits and pieces of it.
So surely the colorless crystal stuff is part of the old canon as well (before Disney took over and re-branded the old EU as 'Legends)'?
Or is there in fact 3 continuities?
It's all seems very confusing which is why I think the best rule of thumb is just to ignore any continuity

I guess the good thing about that nu-canon is I didn't know any of it.
I don't mind how ridicules and over-complicated the backstory of lightsabers gets as long as it stays out of the films themselves and it can remain a mystery.
Also, off-topic but isn't the Clone Wars series part of the current continuity too?

Really wanted to like your comment and then read the second part.
The best Stars Wars content for a long time was the Lucas Arts games which made up for the movies released in that same period.

I'm assuming it will be time-travel.
Given how last season ending I suspect every season is just going to be another one of his coma-dreams, until it's finally time to finish the show and they just kill him off.

I've seen enough films were New York City is a character, I want to see one where they take it a step further and Woody Allen in the location.

"But a lot of people must be gluttons for punishment because they always
seem to have their finger on the pulse of the dreaded MRAs"
I guess I sort of am.
I'm not one of those people who slows down to look when driving past an accident (I can't drive but wouldn't anyway) but for some reason I can't stop morbid curiosity

Well I imagine the new season will be another soft-reboot so it could be the perfect time to jump back in and give it another shot.

Is that not an American tradition as well?
I know we tend to drink more than you guys but I figured drunk-on-Christmas (or any family gather where there's an excuse for alcohol) was a universal thing.