
Charlie Brooker has just about earned a lifetime pass from me. I trust his vision, and I trust him to execute. Honestly, if it turns out the set photo above is him dabbling in the Star Trek porn parody genre, I’d expect it to be better than at least a couple of the Star Trek canon films.

I thought the show started to go off the rails in season 5, but only in the last few episodes. Suddenly this series that had always been so good with the tiny nuances of politics was throwing around completely random and nonsensical details about Congress’s votes for president and vice president—reliably liberal

True, Still a drop off though but not nearly as much as 6.

I would agree that applies to the latest season, but I thought S5 held up compared to what came before.

Honestly? Good. It’s been running on fumes since Iannucci left. Still funny one-liners and great acting all around but there has been almost no real plot for a couple years.

That’s true, until you realize they all basically look like that guy.

The A.V. Club

And she’s looking, menacingly, down and to the left.

Despite that joke, I still really enjoyed the first one. It was really dumb fun.

Which kind, American pants or British pants?

I see people complain online all the time yet I’ve literally not had a problem in years. Maybe go to better theaters? Or see better movies? From what I gather it’s the big blockbuster-type films that seem to attract the uncivilized.

Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me what is and isn’t feminist, in general.

This wasn’t James Cameron’s hill to die on. He might even have a point, but it just can’t come from an old white guy. Especially when the movie was directed by a woman, and was very well received by women at the box office.

Also, I’m really glad that I have Kathryn Bigelow’s ex husband around to weigh in on the idea that a landmark achievement by a woman director is overblown.

I didn’t deliberately do anything. I don’t make the decisions about what web platform we use or when we use it; people in Miami boardrooms do. I’m the person who’s trying to make the site work for you within the parameters they set for me. If I had my druthers, nothing would ever change. But that’s not how the media

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