
I can't be the only person to make a "Masterbation" joke as soon as they started flirting, right?
I'm honestly surprised Moffat didn't go there, he loves his wordplay.

Yeah, apparently the war Doctor was written in because of Christopher Eccleston not wanting to return, so it would have made more sense to write McGann in inventing a whole new Doctor.
But I'm sure Moffat couldn't resist putting more of his stamp on the canon and it allowed him to end the first cycle of Doctors start

I do wonder how much he'll be playing William Hartnell playing The Doctor, normally when a new actor takes over a role I'd rather they make it their own instead of doing an impression of the previous actor but here that feels more appropriate.
I do get really annoyed when I see new sources report that he's "reprising"

"i'm guessing there will be a new name soon enough for the 'newer' Millennials"

I took me three watch-throughs to get to that final gag after the title. I just had to keep watching it again straight away.
I'm so excited, with this and the Sense8 news I feel like the world is a good place but that most be wrong.

What colour socks isn't a look that's hard to pull off?
Heard white socks were bad… Now so are black socks are too.
What about my superhero socks are they okay?

I believe the term is clusterfuck.

Which is why a 2 hour finale makes so much sense.
Given where the last episode left off they could mostly set it in one country anyway and it just increases the value of the program for re-watching so much if it has an ending, it just seems like the sensible move.

We can be sure it will go out with a bang.

That's why I was still holding up some hope they'd do something like this, it just makes so much sense for getting future viewers.
It's worth so much to them as a complete story (even with a truncated ending) than something people don't want to start because they know it ends of a cliff-hanger.

Yaaaaas!!! This was the best news I was hoping for but honestly I'd given up wishing that this would happen.
Netflix really know how to restore my faith in them. Maybe this was the plan all along, tell everyone it's canceled for good and then we'll be grateful for another two hours.

I would have found the twist shocking if it had been revealed 5 minutes earlier but I basically figured it out as soon as he entered the room with Missy.
It didn't help that they revealed he'd be in this episode and they were running out of time to introduce him.
Same with the Cyberman twist that would have worked a lot

Visuals are not an 'indicator' of quality they are part of quality, just like writing or performance.
A show could have great writing but that's not an indicator of quality either. It's the same with any aspect of production, they all need to be working together for something to be "quality TV".

"but if a pretty picture is all it takes for a show to be considered "peak TV," then I'd argue that descriptor doesn't hold a whole lot of meaning."
No one is arguing it's all it takes but it should certainly be a requirement, it's television after all.
If you're visual aren't up to snuff maybe you're in the wrong

Don't get me wrong the trailer had cool stuff in it and I was excited for what Edgar Wright was going to do with it but conceptually I was expecting something a bit more safe and generic.
I thought he was going to be elevating a mediocre concept not that it would be his baby (driver).

Also not taking into account the budgets.
Shaun of the Dead cost 4 million (not sure if that's dollars or pounds) and apparently took 13 million dollars in the US box office, despite opening there 5 months after it's UK release, with no American-known actors.
Hot Fuzz made 23 million in the US on an 8 million budget.

Actually losing her majority would be "loosing", in the literal sense of the word.
I mean, I'm super happy with the result and it was better than I was realistically hoping for but I think saying she "lost" without context is disingenuous.

No, I can imagine people who hated Scott Pilgrim having a blat with this film. It's about as different to Scott Pilgrim as as Scott Pilgrim is from the Cornetto Trilogy.

This felt like it was designed to be PC Danny Butterman's favorite film from Hot Fuzz.
That film was a send-up of all the action-movie tropes whereas this film is a earnest love-letter to the genre and an a genuine attempt to make something like Point Break or Bad Boys II.

"He's never really had a big hit"
Depends what you count as a 'big hit', Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were HUGE here in the UK and are quoted all the time but non-film-fans.
I imagine they were a huge return on their budget and I doubt he'll ever be hurting for work here.