
I was actually worried about Baby Driver before I saw it.
Judging from the trailers it looked like Wright had to "prove himself" to the Hollywood higher-ups with a generic mid-budget action comedy before they would trust him to do something more original after Scott Pilgrim underperformed.
But that's really not the

It really is.
I think the dialogue works better in the film than it does in the trailer although it sometimes grates but it's more than made up for by the music, production design and set pieces.

I don't know why I keep seeing this comparison, it's nothing like drive apart from the subject matter.
If anything it's closer to the Transporter films and even the Fast and Furious franchise but when it comes to getaway driver highest films Baby Driver and Drive are opposite ends of the spectrum.

Sadly that's true and I'm surprised this article managed to get posted when it would have just taken the simplest google search to check who the current Prime Minster was.
I understand the exact circumstances of how she's in power might be hard to grasp to an outsider (although they're no more complicated than the

I know someone who has that, she has coping mechanism but it's still a constant struggle. People like to make jokes a "triggering" but I've seen what it's really like and am glad I don't have to experience.

After the coming gushes the sopping.

Sadly all the films I made with my younger brother and his friends (my friends were never willing to act for me) are all alive and well on a hard-drive, so I don't have the luxury of rose-tinted glasses.

I always assumed the subtext was they were having sex outside of work (or previously had a relationship) and she was keeping it professional in the office.
But maybe I just made that up… Oh god I'm slowly homecoming a slash-fic writer.

My dad has the bluray boxset and he's seen them all at least twice.

I'm now starting to wonder if that applies to every industry?
The fast food industry is rarely about cooking.
The fashion industry is rarely about sewing.
The bar industry is rarely about cocktail-making.
The important part is always the 'industry', that's why so many entrepreneurs jump from one industry to another.

Honestly I'm incredibly pro gun-control and anti gun ownership but those stories of cops murdering black youth in America make me wish they were armed.
I know in the real world that would make things far worse but part of me thinks if the cops are going to murder them anyway at least if they were armed they could

While watching it I was guessing how British he'd been in addressing it, whether it would get "so sorry we seemed to have been experiencing technical problems, and now the headlines" or just "apologies and now the top stories" but instead we got nothing just straight one with the news.
Of course it's possible he wasn't

But the insulting them is what made him a character, in that way he wasn't be honest and allows him to compartmentalize slightly.
He did have to walk back into the room but that's not the same as doing the whole thing face to face.

In a way I think coming clean like that was easier for him than just sitting down and talking to them.
He didn't have to look them in the eye when he admitted it and got to put on a big show which he loves doing.
Even when he's coming clean he has to do it through an elaborate lie.

It's really not, just look at prisons or even office politics in some workplaces.
Sadly tribal behavior is just their lurking in the back of everyone's minds waiting for the environment it needs.

They were but it still seemed really believable and Jimmy is still the only one to blame for turning those awful friends against her.
I imagine for a lot of people in an isolated community like that (much like prison or high-school to an extent) awful friends are better than none at all.

You're right.
It would be a delight to see one of the actors break the party line and just say "It was a nightmare, they were constantly fighting, there were different script pages every, no one knew what was going on and I'm amazed the finished product is even comprehensible. I had no idea what I was doing!"

Part of the problem (or maybe charm) is the Doctor Who is so many different things to so many different people.
It's gone on so long and through so many different phases, everyone has a different idea of what the show 'should' be.
It's also worth noting that both RTD and Moffat seems to be taking a lot of

I can't imagine what could be that wrong that wouldn't be picked up earlier.
Unless Lord and Miller were intentionally trying to sneak something past the suits, they'd have seen scripts and storyboards and pre-vis and dailies by now and should have a good idea how the final product is going to look.
It just seems so

Probably not but it would have made more sense to drop out after principle photography had wrapped and let someone else handle re-shoot.
It almost seems like they're initially trying to sabotage the production or stick it to Disney.
Or maybe Disney had no choice but to let them go.
It just seems like a chef leaving their