
"I would do horrible things to a cherry pie to see Lynch make test patterns."

That impact started to happen YEARS ago.
But I don't think the driving factor is resolution but size and that is limited by the physical size of people's rooms.
If a 500" cinema screen can be 2K without customers noticing, a 50" TV doesn't need to be 4K (anyone with less than 20/20 vision will barely perceive the

I think some digital cinemas still use 2K projectors (which is basically 1080p) although I researched this a few years back.
I know local Odeon Isense screen (their competitor to the mini IMAX screens) brags about being 4k.
I don't know if cinemas need to push resolution as much as TV's do, I think most people go for

What good is anything?
What good is life if you don't have a 4k TV?
If your TV doesn't have a higher resolution than many cinema screens then you should just give up.

I will admit to not being too familiar with the case but the point can still be made that we shouldn't allow harassment of the victim (whether it's from the guilty party, their supporters or the system itself) to pressure them into letting a rapist walk free.
No civilized system should ever have gotten to this point in

I don't think it's reading into that point of view.
@khalleron:disqus isn't say that's what @disqus_BN2GRNyb7j:disqus said, simply that in this case if you put the victim's well-being first and let the guilty man go free then you set a precedent.
And that precedent is that someone can get aware with their crimes if

Exactly! It was so excited I stayed up almost all night watching it unfolded when I planned on going to bed depressed after the exit poll.
It felt like watching history happen.

I still think it's a win, even with the DUP the Tories have less seats than they did yesterday and Corbyn has proved just how electable he is after all.
I also think it's more likely than not that the next election will be sooner than 2022.

They don't actually think that, they just want to paint the opposite as that extreme so they can feel justified in not bothering.

Yeah, I think huge leaps forward in technology (like the advent of color and sound) make it easier to divide up 'new' and 'old' films.
Today, there's not really anything like that. I guess the move from practical effects to CGI would be one marker but it's messy because lots of modern films still use practical effects

And the new ones seems to be aiming for action spectacle rather than adventure.
At least that's what I've gathered from the trailers.
They seem to be three distinct takes on the brand, with the latest one seeming the most generic and least interesting.

I'd love to know the reason. What contest/competition had them as a prize? Did you know they were the prize before entering?

In some ways it makes sense.
I don't agree but I can understand the logic that the threats have to get bigger each time, we already know the heroes can defeat X so there wouldn't be any tension unless the next villain is stronger than X.
It gets particularly tiring in long running TV shows when each season's villain has

I don't know if it dates back to Indiana Jones or before then but those films tended to have one gruesome death per film.
It's a fun trope of the genre that they'll be one really gross thing, I wouldn't call it unnecessary, it was something me and my friends used to love looking out for in things.

The Tom Cruise film is not really a remake/reboot of these films though. It's an attempt to redo the Universal Monsters film series from the 30s/40s, which I suppose you could say the Bendan Fraiser films were also a remake of.
I think it was a deliberate move to cast someone more famous than the actor from the 90s/00s

That's what I liked about Wonder Woman until that final fight scene.
It didn't feel like they were just through shit at the screen, I would have appreciated it so much more if they'd just managed to maintain that for the final half hour and lost the framing narrative.

I mean 2000 is almost 20 years ago, depending on the age of the child that could be more than twice as old as them.
I would have probably used the same criteria when I was young, I was born in 1992 and thought of Return of the Jedi and Back to the Future as "old movies".

I do too but perhaps that's in part due to the fact the original was rated 15 over here and the sequel was 12, so I've saw it more often as a child.
My dad would let me watch 12 rated films on my own but only 15s with him, if he'd seen them first, so we could warn me something scary was coming up or skip over the

I didn't even know the Scorpion King had more than one direct-to-DVD sequel.
I tend to write those things off as non-canon cash-grabs but maybe I'm wrong to.

I don't it's weird at a..
I'm surprised that's even a stigma anymore, I'll watch anything I hear is good regardless of the cast or target audience.
My dad still acts weird when I mention a female friend loves horror films or I watched a romcom by choice but I assume that was a generational thing that the "woke"