
I'd seen posters and bits of trailers for this everywhere and yet I didn't know that was the premise until the writer and director were on Comedy Bang Bang this week.
I just assumed it was a Bridesmaids ripoff, if anything I am marginally more interested now.

Oh yeah, I just remembered the usage of the word 'twat' (or 'twot' as you Americans insist on pronouncing it) that will be a funny one to see dubbed. Maybe they'll cut the scene short after "I said a bad word" or her spelling it with her peas.

Not just Attack of the Clones, they cut the headbutt from the Morpheus/Agent Smith fight in The Matrix.
I remember being confused exactly what happened in that scene.
The BBFC really had a problem with headbutts for a while.

I think people might be misunderstanding the "make family friendly" part of this. As far as I can tell they're just using the existing TV edits that take out the "naughty" language and nudity (violence is fine of course).
When I was on holiday in New York I caught some of Elysium on TV and I assume that was edited

It will mostly be dubbing the bad language, maybe lose the one cutaway gag with the nudist parents and references to weed and that's that.
It was only a PG-13 to start with and I assume it's be broadcast on TV already.

Sadly I don't think it is.
The versions already exist so it costs almost nothing, people who don't want them won't be put off buying the DVDs and people in my parents generation will see it as a bonus and give them a few more sales.

I watched War Dogs on a plane recently and I feel like I could watch it again and experience a totally different film.
It was hilarious but helped my brain stay awake as it just mentally de-censored all the swear words and eventually I didn't realism it was doing it.
What was even weirder is they had episodes of House

Yeah I was really disappointed with the Doctor's blindness the moment he put on the sonic glasses and could "see".
I refereed to it as Dardevil- blindness, he "sees" however much the writers need him to see at any given moment and it really undercut a powerful cliffhanger.

"Doctor Who is a show that all ages should be able to watch and it's just not good when they bring up those certain topics."

"consent can be withdrawn"
I know that's true for a lot of things (sex for example) but in a legal sense surely that's not true for everything.
If I enter into a 12 month phone contract, I consent to pay a certain amount every month, I can't withdraw that consent without paying a penalty.
If the Disney cast an actor in a

I'd say it was the RTD version of the Doctor that made him a superhero, even anything Moffat has tried to pull him back from that a little.

"3) (The most important point from Bill's perspective.) If The Doctor dies, what prevents The Monks from trying all this again"

I mean it could just be some kind of digital projection, we don't actually know he used real regeneration energy on that, he just made it look like he did.

"He's gonna blow up the planet anyways so living with him won't make you likelier to die."
I'm not sure about that, none of them have died… yet.
But we've only seen 22 stories and Rick could have killed any member of the family and replaced them with an almost identical version from a parallel reality any number of

Didn't it eventually turn out to be the place of death of the last human alive Arthur Dent?
I haven't revisited the later books since I first read them as a child so I could be totally off with that.

They're basically non-canon right?
I mean technically it's an infinite multi-verse so everything canon (including fan and slash fiction) but the comics aren't going to be referenced in the show and I'm sure they'll have no problem contradicting them.
That said I've read the first trade and it's pretty good but sometimes

"I share Rick & Morty's existentialist worldview, but I don't get why it treats that worldview as something dark and upsetting."

I don't agree with you that the show gets worse when it gets angsty and philosophical (although some fans can get annoying about it) but I'm giving you an upvote as a fellow happy nihilist.
As someone who suffered with depression for years, and had a complex relationship with religion and morality, nothing was more

I don't think so, lots of dysfunctional relationships find short term fixes like that and then eventually end. I don't think the grand romantic gesture at the end of Rixty Minutes means they're good for each other and everything will work out because the show is not a cheesy romantic comedy.
It's also possible they'll

But also constant danger and the risk he will blow up the house even if he says he won't (he once Cronenberged a whole world by mistake).
Regardless of his criminal friends, selection of weapons and potentially dangerous experiments, if I had a children I would want to keep the substance-abusing alcoholic relative away