
I agree with all of that except Jerry and Beth working out together, I honestly don't think the characters can ever be happy together long term.
But I do think Jerry could easily be happy if he gets away from these toxic people (mainly Rick) and finds someone who suits him better, as could Beth.

Herbert Love?

"We know at least one mentally-ill dude got a bright idea from Taxi Driver and committed some real-life gun violence."

But if it doesn't cause gun violence what exactly is the problem with making guns "look cool"?

A lot of people get that but still don't understand that portraying something in a cool way isn't condoning it either.
I'm sure all the Fast and Furious directors think it would be a terrible idea to recreate anything from those actions scenes in real life and would never condone it. That doesn't mean it's not cool to

I think you mean improving.

Watching a Netflix show is more like reading a novel, I'm not going to start a book that I know just stops after Chapter 19 with no conclusion.

Hopefully that's the case.
It has been in my experience but then I realized I'm a grown-up now so of course kids act differently around me.
Some of the worst bullies at school would be perfectly charming and helpful around adults.

I used to love their youtube channel and reading the comments espeailly, I didn't realize they did articles until a year or so later.

"Ohh, campus is supposed to be a place to expand minds and have discussions."
Discussions like "racism is bad" and "we shouldn't enable racists by giving them access to our space to spew their bullshit" those are good mind-expanding conversations to have.
It's strange these people don't consider that protest is also a

I think you may be idealizing it a bit.
It may not be nerdy to like Spider-Man now but having in-depth knowledge and passion for the comic book continuity wouldn't make you popular at my school (admittedly for me that was 10 years ago, so maybe I missed the boat too).
The truth is, while the traditional hobbies of

And honestly the best thing you could do is spend that money controlling guns, which is sadly even less likely.
The NRA always like to pass the buck to "violent video games" and to a lesser extent films but the truth is, even if they had a cultural impact on gun violence and caused shootings (which is highly debatable)

We should certainly study to see if there is a negative cultural impact but I haven't seen or heard of any definitive research.
Admittedly I haven't studied this since college but I thought 'hypodermic needle model' (that media literally injects ideas into consumers head) had been discredited.
I guess it's different

I don't see the problem with that at all.
That's akin to saying it's hypocritical for celebrities to discourage reckless driving while starring in films with car chases.
I have pretty little faith in the intelligence of the general public but even I think people can't be that stupid to be unable to separate fantasy from

You can think fantasy movies are cool and think it's a bad idea to ride around or horses and attach people with swords.
The only argument I could see raised is that these films are literally funding gun companies by purchasing the props, aside from that there's nothing hypocritical about enjoying them.

I know, as good as the film was I regret seeing The Avengers twice and not Cabin in the Woods (they were in UK theaters at the same time) because I was a scaredy-cat.

I saw the second one in the cinema with my dad.
I hadn't seen the first one and we came see something else but they it sold out. I've been trying to figure out what that other film would have been.

I'm not sure, I know it uses the trope but I think it was pretty ubiquitous beforehand and was bound to increase in popularity with the rise of comic book movies anyway.

When he was a student, a colleague of mine worked as a camera op on a terrible short film, where the 'director' completely seriously looked at the shot on the camera monitor and said the phrase:
"Right, what I need you to do in the edit, is zoom in and drop a bullet time on that shit".
Suffice to say they never worked

Yeah, I understand how ludicrously expensive the show was and how they are still a business but I think decision like this could cost them their brand reputation.
As an 'armchair executive' I think a smarter move would be to give the creatures some warning and time to wrap stuff up even if that cost a few extra million.