
Last time I went to an all-you-can-eat Pizza Hut buffet I skipped the salad bar because "that's just a trick to get you to fill up on cheap vegetables" and ended up not eating the crusts because "I'm not paying £6.99 to eat bread".
Then I stopped and questions what I was doing and what the point of this really was, and

Exactly and that's why all the origin stories feel like pilots not complete stories.

Too soon.

You need better friends, if they don't have the taste/sense to avoid those people like the plague.

He's saying they want to take most risks.
Make a bunch of weird stuff and cancel everything that doesn't work, instead of playing it safe and only making what you know will work.

Heck, they managed to get a spin-off out of it too Atlantis used that same stretch of woods, gravel bit and even shared an alien town set with SG1.
Now that's Canadian efficiency!

Sadly it doesn't.
The ending was the one thing I was disappointed by but was hopeful it could be quickly redeemed at the start of season 3.
I really hope Netflix have the sense to spend some money wrapping up the story because it's not going to mean much having a series on their streaming site that no one wants to watch

Of course that content is less valuable if it doesn't have an ending.
I would have thought after sinking so much money into a project like this they could afford another $5 million to give it the longevity of having an ending.

I'm pretty sure there was a recap when I played the Christmas special (or maybe the first episode after that).
I wonder if that was added later.

Yeah, they could have reduced the number of locations to at least 3 countries and given them 6 episodes to wrap everything.
I do wonder what this will do to their reputation, I'm certainly less inclined to get invested in a long running series if there's no assurance it will ever be finished,

To be fair I'm sure lots of people talked about it because of that moment so it's swings and roundabouts.
They may have misjudged that moment but it's not like dad's were the target audience for the series so I think they made the right call, it made it obvious exactly what it was and who it was aimed at right off the

Shaun of the Dead cost around 4 million dollars and Whiplash cost around 3.5.
There's a lot of indie films they could make with that money.

I thought it was a typo at first then it kept happening. I assume it's an honest mistake.

I think Netflix be realizing that big, controversial original shows like Sesne8 generate a lot of buzz and interest in the service when they're new but continuing them costs just as much and doesn't have nearly the same rewards.
It will be interesting how they play this going forward because if they start a habit of

I wonder how it would even work with a traditional network reviving a streaming series.
It works the other way because the service can purchase the rights to all the previous episodes but I can't see a traditional network continuing a show viewing will have to use a competitor to catch up on.
Maybe a co-production deal

There are several in the UK (Tapsi), surprised they haven't made their way to the US yet. Usually it's the other way around.

"The originating principle wasn't bad. There's a lot of unused seating capacity in passenger vehicles"
Was that really the original principle? Ever since Uber came to the UK it was just a mini-cab company with a nifty app.
I can't imagine normal people registering as Uber drives just it to pick up strangers to carpool

I don't see how it's that different to food, when you order delivery you're trusting a stranger to bring you your meal (they could do anything to it on the way).
I guess it depends how regulated Uber is where you live, it seems to differ from country to country.

I don't know if the price is different over there, but when it comes to my generation in the UK, I think anyone who hasn't used an Uber is either privileged (to be able to afford black cabs) or don't go out much.
I don't even consider hailing cabs here because I know I won't be able to afford it.
Perhaps it's also

I forgot we had Stephen Fry earlier this season, I forgot just how cartoony his character was.
This show is certainly loosing it's grip on it's reality.