
Yea I agree with your "come on, grandpa assessment" it felt like the kind of joke the show would make fun of someone for making not something they'd make in earnest.
To me worse than it being offensive was that it wasn't particularly funny or clever and certainly didn't fit with the word of the show, it seemed more

I honestly felt that started to happen when Armando Iannucci left the show but it's definitely increased this season.
I don't mind though because I still love hanging out with these characters and Armando Iannucci is free to pursue other projects but it's certainly not quite the show it used to be.

Perhaps I got too defensive because I know many people who regularly feel uncomfortable due to members of the staring at them and I hate to see people normalizing it.
I would say if it doesn't have any potential to make the other person uncomfortable then it's not ogling, if there's even a slim chance they'll feel

There's totally a middle ground between averting your gaze and ogling though, maybe we just have a different definition of what ogling is.

"apparently some people here have the moral self control not to look at attractive people with lust in their eyes."
That's not ogling though.
Ogling is specifically lecherous or leering, as apposed to just enjoying looking at an attractive person which is different.
Ogling is making a show of enjoyment it's something you

"Heterosexual men ogle attractive women as they walk away. "
As a heterosexual man that's news to me.

The problem comes when issues come up that people aren't willing to compromise on.
Slavery was a big one in the past, those opposed to it weren't willing to compromise and have some slavery, they wanted none and wouldn't settle for anything else.
I'm not American but I think it's getting to a similar point with

I think on a universal scale The AV Club are pretty center (maybe slightly left leaning) it's just that all American politics are to the right.
As for politics in reviews, I can't really think of any thematic discussion that isn't political in some way.
Unless you're just talking about the technical image and sound,

Yea I stopped watching towards the start of season 3 when I realized they weren't following the lead of the British mini-series and books and ending it at a trilogy.
I then decided I probably wasn't going to return when it became obvious they were running the series indefinitely without a clear arc for ending it.

Not nessarly.
Donna was a one-time companion that was brought back, they could write her out at the end of the season and then write her back in because of fan reaction.
It would be a good way to soft-reboot the show too b reintroducing the companion.

Exactly, it really makes no sense when you think about it critically and I think it would have worked a lot better as "these monks have a ridicules idea of what consent is because they're mad and evil" instead of being presented as logical.

The consent thing really annoyed me the "fear is not consent" part was great and I get what they were going for with "love is consent" but it really missed the mark.
For starters Bill wasn't acting out of love, she was still acting out of fear, she was afraid of loosing someone she loved but that's still fear.
Also the

I actually agree with a lot of your points but still really enjoy the show overall, none of them are deal-breakers for me.
It sounds cliche (like something a Sense8 character would say) but I like the show for the 'experience' not the story or dialogue.

Yeah same. I had to rewind to make sure I hadn't missed a scene and then I also assume he'd turned himself in between scenes.

Which is weird because wouldn't Wolfgang have been tortured that entire time and the other Sensates feel it,
Must be hard to execute a plan when you're constantly getting electrocuted.

Yeah or do it in flashback, following the Sensates after the heist as some of the slip-ups they made in the planning stages catch-up with them.

Jory's costume was just terrible too, he looked like the Artful Dodger from an Oliver Twist porn parody, I can't imagine any character wearing that in a serious drama.

Yea, it's made slightly weirder by the fact the show-runners don't quite know what they want his movies to be.
They talk about them like they're big blockbusters and they portray him as an A-list celebrity but every time they show his films on screen they're cheesy B-movies, which creates this weird disconnect.
The only

Pretty sure it was a lookalike.
Not sure why but something about his face doesn't seem quite right and I'm sure they would have given him at least one line of dialogue if he was he was the real deal.

He would have signed off on it but I doubt he had much more input than any other exec, it doesn't really have any of his fingerprints on it.
I'd certainly not call it "a Moffat property being written by Moffat" which was the part of your comment that confused me.