
"(even if it's a Moffat-property being written by Moffat)"
Not sure where this comment is coming from, you know Moffat had almost nothing to do with the writing of this show? (except being the current Doctor Who showrunner)
Patrick Ness created the series and wrote every episode, Moffat has a producer credit but that

It didn't feel like something they'd been building towards to me.
There are no evidence it would be this group of characters and it made no sense for it to be this group of characters.
They'd been teasing an evil mastermind all season and then just revealed it to be the most iconic villains from NuWho even though it

Yea, I've often thought about that too. I can't imagine how they'd pull off the Xenomorph imitating a human voice without it seeming cheesy but it's a great concept for the ending.

I think the sequel did respect that, it also respected how cynical and cruel the universe is.
Just because it ripped them away from Ripley doesn't mean it ignores how important those characters were.
It's not hand waving them away or ignoring them completely, it's giving resolution to their arc, even if it's a dark

Maybe, I just think it's so drastically different it made no sense of use those characters.
It would make about as much sense as it turning out to be the Adipose.
Sure it could be part of a big plan to re-characterize the them but the episode gave me no confidence that's what they we're doing, it just felt like cynical

Considering there have been so many drastically different entries in the franchise it's almost impossible to pin down what an Alien movie "should" be but personally I don't want it to have an emotional heart.
It should be bleak and utilitarian:
We're trapped, there's an alien killing machine on the loose, almost

I actually really liked that 'fuck you' but then I never enjoyed Aliens as much as the original and sort of resented the optimistic ending.

Clearly the sidekick should be called Ink.

I find it weird how this show tries to separate it's continuity from Doctor Who by creating it's own villains and agencies (great) but then constantly references the ones from Doctor Who anyway (lame).
Instead of using UNIT or Torchwood as the shady Government agency that knows about aliens and sci-fi tech they create

But it just made no sense the Weeping Angels were behind it all, they've never been characterized as anything close to evil masterminds ever before and it was the worse possible way they could have introduced something from the main show, after a whole season of trying to make it on their own.
It doubly sucks because

Yeah, the show was a big mixed bag for me but after this episode I was really hoping it would nail the finale, instead it just undid the goodwill this episode built up.
I'm not particularly sad it's not returning although I still think they could turn the show into something really good with some work.

I would pay extra for a "silent driver" feature, just a check box you can tip when ordering a car which grantees they won't start a conversation with you.
That's the advantage of tacking a car in a country you don't speak the language.

In the UK you're not allowed to tip Ubers (no idea why that is), I've tried and they've refused before.
But we don't have a huge tipping culture here anyway.

The hardest part is going to be the transition period.
A world where all humans need to work and almost everyone has a paid job is good, a world where no one needs to work or almost no one has a paid job is great, but that area in between where some people work but lots can't is going to be killer (possibly literally).

This is something I love to discuss but I think in the future all work could basically become hobbies.
You do what you love doing even if robots can do it better. You cook, you do carpentry, you write, you box but none of it is for profit.
Of course as the OP said, this won't happen unless as a society we can work out

That's how I found out he existed and was the only thing I'd seen him in before this episode.

Glad I'm not the only one who jizzes emojis.
I thought I was weird there for a moment.

It was going to be an extra long final season if I recall correctly but they decided to split it into two shorter ones for production reasons.

I only know years ago a lot of people thought he stole jokes from Louis CK, who we all love.

"Love her carrying around her arm like a weird purse everywhere"
You mean a handbag?