
Same here.
I thought the first one was great and could have lead to a really cool Indiana Jones-esque episodic adventure series but they had to go and ruin it by trying to make it Lord of the Rings. It didn't need that much mythology!
Such a shame.

I think the writers do it to avoid the cliche of a just having a character freak-out for a couple of minutes or faint but at this point not freaking out is more of a cliche.

I like the simulation idea but apparently in Moffat said in an interview their was a hand-wavy explanation that was cut for time.

Because it's a simulation of the Doctor so why would he notice to him the TARDIS has always been like that.
I assume the simulation has simulated all of time and space until now and not just simulated the real-world memories of the characters.

Maybe the simulation is just terrible at Italian accents.

They mention Margaret Thatcher a few times I think, plus they mentioned Ken Livingstone who was the mayor of London 9 years ago in the Christmas episode around that time.
I always find it interesting how shows transition in and out of fictional world leaders, they'll mention all the classics (Abraham Lincoln, etc) but

"Nothing says family fun like a little girl hiding her eyes during the climax of "Heaven Sent"!"

I actually had the opposite reaction to the sonic shades, I thought they did too much. Like he's not actually blind, he's Daredevil-blind, he has a version of 'sight' that is exactly as accurate as the plot needs it to be at any moment.
It wasn't really needed either, I think it would have been more impactfull if he

Just look at the official Doctor Who facebook page, or don't… Just don't!

Glitch in the simulation.
Could be used to explain everything continuity error this episode, haha.

Four or five would be good too, anything to have a change from the duo-dynamic that's dominated most of the last ten years of the show.

I wouldn't say it's a lie, I read it as a joke/reference immediately and didn't assume it was literal, they still got my click.
My morbid curiosity about never ending schlock franchises is high.

I guess I just don't see it and never have.
Unless he's completely metamorphosed into a butterfly since last I saw him in season 7 of Buffy, I won't concede that he has anything remotely approaching charisma or screen presence.
But to each their own, I don't think we're going to reach a consensus here but I will confess

To be fair that's better for the charity than just running traditional campaign.
Motives don't matter, you can donate to a charity out of compassion or spite or to promote your TV show, the money spends the same.
I'm not even sure doing it for a "good" reason makes you a "better" person, regardless of your reason it has

I saw him in Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (sadly not in-person but a live cinema broadcast) and thought he was great.
He had better comedy chops than I was expecting and played the gullible idiot rather well. I have a feeling he could make a carrier out of those kind of roles post-Harry Potter.

I don't think I was being that hyperbolic, I compared him to an
over-the-top pantomime villain which still puts him in the category of
professional actors.
I'll admit I haven't seen him in anything more recently but as you admit his dramatic range is limited.
I just think it's unfair that an actor with limited range has

Haha, quite possibly.
I honestly never realized he had his defenders, perhaps his style of performance was just one I could never get into.
He either does this minimalist brooding thing that seems more like a model on a photo shoot mumbling nonsense or this crazy over-the-top pantomime villain. The latter is certainly

I disagree, his Angelus was hammy as fuck.
He undercut what could have been an even better arc and ruined basically every flashback with whatever that accent was supposed to be.

That's as well as maybe but he deserves success more than David Boreanaz does. A plank of rotting driftwood deserves success more than David Boreanaz does and is arguably more charismatic.
I picked Tom Lenk specifically because he wasn't the best character on the show and still deserves a far better carrier than Davey

I like raisins but upvoting for the phrase "the recognition of nothingness".