
Ever watched Now You See Me?
It took my girlfriend hours to calm me down after watching that, I still get mad just thinking about it.

And Tom Lenk hasn't because life is cruel and unfair.

All I know is that I would have loved his take on the character as a kid, Christopher Eccleston was my favorite until Capaldi took over.

She also called the character Doctor Who (not The Doctor) which somehow makes me like her less.
Even though it totally shouldn't and I'm probably a bad person for caring.

"I'm so confused why someone would think racist power structures have nothing to do with politics."
Well you don't need to be confused any more because I don't think that.

Having watched the next few episodes I feel like my pointed was even more validated. In episode 6:
She does it again, it's a small moment but she spots strangers making-out and takes out her phone to secretly record them without their consent. At this point it's serial sexual misconduct and I'll be slightly

If only one day I could get a Great Job Internet my life would have been worth living.

Oooh, I didn't know that.
I should really give that show a re-watch, I can't believe it's over 10 years old, I happened to re-watch the title sequence the other day for nostalgia.

I suppose, I just don't think punching racists as a "political act" but simply "being a decent human being".
I can see your point that it's race politics and class politics but I don't remember anyone saying that about the Robin Hood episode and he's arguably a more political character.
I just find it interesting that

If I had the time, I would love to speed those sex scenes back to real time and dub in realistic sound effects (complete with beds squeaking, panting and, of course, the occasional queef).
Could make for interesting viewing.

"Also can you please explain the kind of opnion I have that people will not tolorate? I'm genuienly confused here."

I hate to ask but what exactly do you think 'identity politics' are in this context?
Is it any character who's not a straight, white man mentioning the fact they're not a straight, white man?
I don't think you're going to find many people willing to tolerate your opinion here so you might want to dial it back or find

And it looked awful. It was the first episode I saw and it actually put me off watching the show until the end of the season.
It looked like a CBBC drama and I think I'll never forgive it.

Let's be honest, the show is unkillable at this point.
Worse case scenario it goes off the air for a few years and gets retooled but I can't see dying.

That wasn't handwavy it was setup throughout the whole episode that her suite wasn't working properly, if anything it was too obvious.

I didn't think it was that bad but Capaldi really did sell it, as he does everything.

Maybe walking around is on a reserve battery which it doesn't use for zapping. Maybe it is programmed to only use 90% of it's battery for murder (or any task) so it always has some for walking around.

Is it a strawman if it's fiction?
The writer literally gets to make up the rules of the world. Technically almost all fictional arguments are strawmen (the writer makes up the opinion of the antagonist so that the protagonist can tear it down)</o>.

People keep saying Thin Ice was political but I must be missing it. Is it because the Doctor punched a racist? A lot of people on the official facebook page seemed to be complaining about that.

So there are no companies selling clean water in developing nations? I don't think it's a huge step from that to selling clean air.
Obviously it's Doctor Who so it's not the most realistic version of the story and I'd love to see the Black Mirror take on it.