
Except it did, just not towards her.

But he also ran season 2 of Torchwood, which I think handled the many over-arcing stories really well, plus started to fix the weird tone from season 1.

I'm sure it wasn't but I really hope that was deliberate.

I think your thinking, detachable wombs and ballbags.
You get them back when you've probed you can use them responsibly.

Better rethink this strategy… Oh wait, I live in a country with gun control laws, phew, crisis averted.

"I think requiring home economics (for everyone!) and real sex education would be a good start."
A damn good one and one that most first world countries are already doing, some better than others.
It definitely starts with educations and the uncomfortable truth is the longer we wait before controlling birth
rates the

Well the leap was from "making them pass some kind of test" sounds good in theory but in practice you can't make everyone do something without force.
If it's mandatory for people to pass a test before having children (as the original commenter suggested) but it's not enforced in any way then it's not actually mandatory.

Having the crap beaten out of you builds characters.
When it comes to kids you're either a bully or the bullied, if pop-culture taught me anything it's that the former go on to be fast food employees and the latter go on to be misunderstood artists and geniuses.
I know which I want my kid to be, so they shall be named

But what if they fail the test and get pregnant anyway?
Force adoption or forced abortion? I guess you could give them the choice.
Or you could make things easier and put the parental test on the school curriculum then just sterilize everyone who fails.
It would certainly help with the rising population crisis.

Pretty much, yea.
About as much of a prick as someone who would judge a parent for what they choose to name their child.
Unless the name is a slur or hate speech then live and let live. Incidentally Slur would be a cool sci-fi name.

Birth tourism is totally a thing i(it even has a wikipedia article) and countries have changed their laws in order to discourage it.
My business partner was born in the US, so has duel UK and US citizenship which massively increases his options in life and makes me super jealous.

To add to that point, and get a little political, you need to jump through so many hopes to immigrate to a country but none to be born there.

I never thought I'd been defending these people but it's just a cool name.
They're not naming their kid's after him as some kind of sign of respect, or in the hopes they'll grow up just like him (if you think a child's name has that kind of prophetic power you're rather idiotic).
It's just a cool name, they saw a sci-fi

That's true for a lot of people though.
As far as privileged people who can't sing go, she's one of the better singers.

Of course it's comparable.
I'm not saying it's the same, but they're both forms of gambling and therefor can be compared.

"Sports memorabilia and jerseys are a billion dollar industry."
Also true of fictional stories, if not more so.
It's hard to tell the impact it has on tourism but I'm willing to bet it's not insubstantial.
As for your first point, bookies take bets on the next actor to helm Doctor Who.
So it's 3 for 3 on the real world

And then you boned, right?

She did that because the photos got out.
She seemed repentant that they got stolen not that she took them in the first place. That's like apologizing for getting caught and only trying to make it right then.
I'm not trying to undercut the importance of what she did but the show gives no indication she felt remotely

I've not seen that episode but somehow I knew immediately that must be from Extras.