
Is there a list of these lists?

Oooh, I've always wanted to visit Canada, I guess on that continent it's a lot more common to have larger extremes of very densely and very sparsely populated areas.
Where as on a small island like this it's more unusual.

Is that an unpopular opinion? I always assumed it was well loved, I've heard it quoted and referenced enough.
As a kid I loved Chris Tuckers character and wanted to be just like him (which probably lead me to be annoying as shit and doing a slightly racist impersonation), as I got older I developed weird feelings for

I suppose I'm on the other side of that as someone who grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere and managed to move to London in my 20s, so I feel like I finally escaped the rest of England.
Although I am very much against elitism and I've heard of London arrogance, I've never actually experienced it and in fact

Those are certainly some interesting points and I agree that not all romantic relationships have to be sexual but I also think that friendship can be intimate, domestic and comfortable.
I've not seen anything in the show to lead me to believe that Leto feels a romantic love towards her.

Yea, Riley is a great character but when it comes to skills to contribute she doesn't have very much to do (unless it's a party scene that needs a DJ) which is a shame.
Hopefully Sun can start doing more stuff in the group and I assume we'll get back to their individual plotlines where they'll have more to do.

I'm all for poly relationships on screen but I'm not entirely sure that's what Lito has (no spoilers please, I haven't watched ahead).
It does seem like his boyfriend and his best friend, I never interpreted it as anything romantic between him and Daniela just a friendship without any taboos or boundaries.
Unless of

And then if a location pulls out and you have to re-draft the script to accommodate that, after having already shot half the scene, it get's even harder.
They must just treat it like shooting several different shows, one on each continent.
It's the kind of thing that seems like magic but is actually just a lot of hard

I wouldn't call Daniela (Lito's former beard) a "great person", she secretly photographed them having sex without their consent which is the polar opposite of being supportive.
She's slowing making up for that but if I was him I would have completely cut her from my life after that violation, she doesn't even seem to

I think part of it is that this is Moffat's last season after he basically wrapped all of his plotlines up last year, I'm thinking of this year like an encore.
As such Bill doesn't have to be anything specific, he doesn't have any epic plans for her (that I can tell) and he's not trying to come up with an original

I didn't really know anything about Ego from the comics so had no idea what to expect.
It was all a fun surprise for me, I actually don't know why I didn't see it coming.

I used to be an editor for the UK AwesomenessTV channel and immediately recognized Hunter March. That's not something I'm proud of.
Editing those videos was more fun than you might think though.

Sadly I doubt the mask rule had anything to do with prevention, they knew whoever wants cause harm will no matter what but it's harder to catch them if they're wearing a mask.

The gunpoint thing sounds a bit extreme (and American) but back in my childhood in England I used to hand out flyers for a Christian kids club in costume (I was a real badass) and it just known that you couldn't enter shops (or banks espeailly) with any mask covering your entire face.
It's not that they mistook the

I think I remember seeing an article or something about that but of course the math was heavily disputed.
If it's not an on screen death it shouldn't count, in which case I'd guess Vol. 2 was way higher and still far from the highest body count of a Hollywood film.

That's strange I'd heard somewhere else the tie-fighter shot was cut because it was similar to another action beat earlier in the scene.
The shot of the lights going out I can believe, that just looks like a cool hero-shot that doesn't really fit into any scene in particular.
On the blu-ray features you can see Gareth

It's a very weird rhetoric when they resort to criticizing the left for not being left enough. I've seen the same thing in the UK, it's bizarre.
It's as if they're saying "well it's impossible to be completely 'politically correct' so we might as well do the opposite".

It's not supposed to be shitty.
It's supposed to be an engaging story about a shitty character, we're never supposed to forgive or forget the shitty thing the character does but the story itself isn't shitty.
Telling realistic stories of sexual assault that are empathetic to the victim is far from a shitty thing to do.

That's really not how I interpreted it at all, it shows her breaking down in tears the next day and is pretty clear what he did ruined things.
I think it was one of the more realistic portrayals of sexual assault on TV and showed how it can committed by otherwise 'mild-manured' or 'pleasant-looking' men not just

I'd never heard that, that's interesting.
Seems a little like back tracking but if it is true I have no problem with it was intentional (Back to the Future did it way back 1985).
Either way in most cases it's not intentional, it's just unavoidable.