
Yay! Now we have 4x as many people fighting in hallways as before.

Yea they did, but I'd heard going in they were his real parents (otherwise I wouldn't have guessed) so I assumed the friend character was his real friend.

Surely that makes it more compelling and important.
Also the Louie character in the show often isn't mean to be likeable. His relationship with Amia (the non-English speaking woman) is incredibly creepy but it's supposed to be.
Don Draper does terrible things but that doesn't make the show less compelling or important.

Spoilers that Ego killer her, also that Ego is the villain.
Both of those are pretty major twists that I'm glad I didn't know going in.

I agree, except to say that Hogwarts doesn't start at an arbitrary age (any more than every other school).
In the UK Primary School goes from age 5-11 and Secondary School goes from 11-18 (at the time the books came out you could leave school at 16).

Then I've got good news for you buddy. You'll love the way you feel when you talk about this one!

I actually thought it was one of the better villains of the MCU films, if not the best one. They had a clear motivation, a good connection to the protagonists, cool powers and were powerful enough to be a substantial threat while still having a realistic and established weakness.
The performance was the only part I

Jeez, spoilers text that would you.
< spoiler > < /spoiler > (without the spaces).

Ohhh, with the set-up the punchline actually makes sense now! I've seen the film at least 4 times and always managed to miss that.
It always felt like it was missing something, like a deleted scene setting it up.

I thought the alien brothel/biker-bar we first meet Stallone's character looked cool.

It's very telling they just dismissed the tone of the first two films and decided to make third one a Guardian's of the Galaxy style space adventure.
For some reason I'm not super excited though, despite loving that style and really enjoying the director's two previous films.

I actually liked the plot-less section a lot (not sure it will hold up on re-watch), I wouldn't say it was badly paced, it just slows down and has almost an episodic sitcom feeling for a bit.
It certainly avoided the action movie fatigue I often feel in the second act when characters are just whizzing about all over

It really was, there was a point when I was wondering when the plot was gonna be introduced.
Sadly that was the exact moment I realized Ego had to be the villain as no one else had been introduced to fill that role. Which was a shame because I'd specifically avoided spoilers.

I sort of agree but if the comic book universe proves anything it's that you can have those goofy moments and serious moments in the same universe.

Up-voting out of empathy not because I like that that happened to you.
I actually find it weird now hearing about people who weren't bullied at school.
In my experience you were either a bully or got bullied, so I'm espeailly skeptical of people who think their school was mostly free of bullies.
Just another example of

Then you'll probably think the same of this. See it on the biggest screen you can to get the most out of it the first time.

I just assumed he was a real-life friend (like his real-life parents) and suspended my disbelief for another non-actor.

I just mean it doesn't have credits at the end (they're at the beginning).
I wouldn't say I'm a *fan*, I've only seen it once and never want to watch it again, but it has stuck in my mind and I constantly reference it.

God that annoyed me too, it sticks out to me on every re-watch and I'm glad I'm not the only one.
It's the only joke that I think not only doesn't land but damages the character slightly, it doesn't even make sense in context, Gamora hasn't done anything to provoke that specific insult.

Not a fan of Irreversible then?