
Depends what exactly you're worried about, spoilers there's a mutiny scene that's pretty scary and it seemed like the body count was a lot higher than the first one (specifically the protagonists killing rooms of people).

People seem to be forgetting that it's rarely ever intentional.
They're not doing it on purpose, they're just sending an early cut of the film to several editors to cut trailers and proms while they finish it off.
With modern post-production it's easier to change stuff at the last minute than ever before but that also

I disagree with that, he always seemed to be head and shoulders above others in his class (maybe not as good at magic as Hermione but) certainly one of the bravest and most headstrong of his peers.
He's the seeker on the Quidditch team for goodness sake and automatically great at flying.
In the first few books espeailly

"Stuff Snape all you want, but James comes out no better in the end."

To be fair the series has a low bar for character arcs, I wouldn't call Snape's arc particularly interesting or complex but you're right I can't think of a better one.

I certainly wouldn't call it gloriously anything.
I'd have enjoyed it more if it was gloriously terrible, instead it was mostly boring with some cool creature design.

Or 'literally' which now can be used in both the original way or the new way, meaning the opposite things.
Language is fun!

I think you're on the wrong site.
I could do that but if I wanted to I wouldn't be commenting on The AV Club, a site dedicating to analyzing the hell out of pop culture.
Can't you just leave people alone to analyze the hell out of things without criticizing them?

Ummm, spoilers I guess it's been revealed in trailers and articles that John Simm's Master is coming back and heavily implied it will be that first ever multiple-master story

It did at the very end right?
It was knocking in sets of three and then the very last time it was four. It wasn't super clear though, I only noticed because I was listening out for it so maybe I'm reading wrong.

No, it's "by 10%".

Having not seen the old series when I watched the first Netflix episode the whole thing sounded like ADR to me.
I wasn't really looking at their silhouettes but it seemed like the guy was facing forward almost the entire time so they could have dubbed anything in.

I started watching the show with this new season (a bad idea I've been told) and I didn't realize that going in.
People complain about the speed of the riffing (which I agree with) but there were also large stretches without riffs, were I was just watching a bad movie.
I was expecting constant jokes from start to

Originally the 'dec' in decimate refereed to the number 10 (like decade or decimal) and it literally means "to reduce by 10%" but no one uses it like that so it's a pointless thing to hang onto.

Surely that's just "condescending" rather than "mansplaining" specifically?
It would make just as much sense to say it was "whitesplaining", "cissplaining" or "heterosplaining".
Those words are important and serve a valuable purpose of calling out acts of aggression, I would hate to see them become co-opted and lose

I just say "wow".

In which case it's a bizarre way to direct a film.
Instead of working with the actor beforehand to figure out the accent just do a bunch of different options for every shot and let the editor pick whichever they think is best with no consistency.

I saw In The Heights with my girlfriend and had to stop myself laughing out-loud when it was revealed the daughter's university course, the one her father sold the family business to pay for, was an arts course.
"You can pay me back when your name is Nina Rosario Bachelor… of Arts" wasn't meant to be a punchline but it

Honestly after episode 1 it was lighter than I was expecting. I was hoping the show would start from there and just delved into even creepier and more depressing territory, instead it sort of let up a bit.
There were some great (read: terrifying) moments with Killgrave but nothing really shocked me like the ending of

There's a cafe in Camden London that only has cereal on it's menu and people really seem to dislike it (as in protests, death threats and constant vandalism dislike it)