
The riffing it pretty good but I'm still not founding it very natural, it's partly how quickly they come in with gags and partly the delivery, they almost seem like they're recorded in a voice-over booth completely independent from actually watching the film which sucks the fun out of it.
I'm gonna give it another shot

"To me it always felt like a 7/10 comfort show with an equal amounts of 10/10 and 3/10 episodes sprinkled in. It just so happens to also be a cultural milestone."

You can buy them through the BBC Store as well (which is probably better for them than buying through iTunes) assuming that's not UK only.

I thought it was.
When she said that I predicted "the ship isn't really empty the people are just in stasis waiting for the city to be completed" and I was right… but not for the reason I thought.
I'm still not convinced that it wasn't a plot-point and that space was where the pods were meant to be.

"The first female Doctor would end up getting equally ripped apart by
people in both the MRA/SJW camps and would quite possibly kill the show
which is why I'm against the move altogether."
I think if it's good they'll get over it.
Most of the complaints I've seen are just about the idea of a female Doctor but they'll

I mean the humans' built and programmed those robots it's not like anyone else is responsible.

My girlfriend is Colombian (they're in the middle of peace process) so that's a discussion that's come up many times; "Can you have peace without justice/reparations?".
It's a really interesting topic the episode raises but it skips over it so fast I didn't even realize they went there until reading these comments.

I'm just hoping that somehow London ends up as an interdependent City-state (and part of the EU).
It might not be good but it will be fun to watch those British nationalists as the country they supposedly wanted "protect" is torn apart due to their ignorance.

You do it like < spoilers > then your text here and < / spoilers > but without the spaces between.
<spoilers>I didn't mind the Shadowkin twist, that's the kind of dumb cliff-hanger you just know will be reset by the end of episode 1 next season. I meant the "weeping angels are behind it all" reveal that made absolutely

It's weird that when I remember that scene I mentally add man-ass.

I don't think airing online is the same as not wanting it to succeed, you wouldn't say that about a Netflix series and that seems to be model the BBC are trying to build with BBC 3 (and other direct-to-Iplayer content).

I actually forgot this was supposed to be the same school from series 8. I assume it's shot in a completely new location and at this point that name is more like an Easter egg than an actual location with continuity.

I think you're right, it's going for that 16-25 demo but I didn't think it was gritty enough and perhaps too cheesy.
I think broadcasters (except Channel 4) misjudge just how "adult" they can go for the "young-adult" audience.
I introduced my brother to Game of Thrones when he was 16 and my sister watch Jessica Jones at

I mean it's no Torchwood and I think that was mostly watched by young-adults.
Although I'm unsure of what age-demo a "young-adult" is supposed to be, I thought it was older-teens to young-twenties but some people seem to use it interchangeably with "teenager".
All the 16-20 year-olds I know watch Game of Thrones and

I don't think BBC3 moving entirely online was the problem (although I've seen it blamed a lot) but I do agree it could have done with more promotion.
Most of BBC3's demo watch stuff predominately online it makes sense to move the hub of entertainment aimed at them to where they consume the most media.

If you've seen Buffy you'll know she's season 4 Spike, which is great but it's been done better before.

Yea, I tend to agree the monster-of-the-week stuff could have been stronger, the monsters themselves were cool but something didn't quite gel.
It could be that it was all written by one writer and they simply ran out of ideas or were overworked, Buffy got a lot better in season 2 with the writers room it's a shame this

I liked it too but overall thought it felt very derivative and had potential to be a lot better. The characters were probably the best part of it (even lady Spike) closely followed by the monsters and alien worlds (even if they didn't quite fit in the Doctor Who universe).
Also everyone looked around 30 which would be

The footage looked great, it's just didn't fit with the new footage which had dynamic rigs whooshing around the cockpits and far richer sound.
I don't know if it could have been done any better but it was certainly noticeable.

I didn't know they were going to use any of the old footage going in but immediately noticed it too.
More specifically I heard it, as the sound from those old films is very distinctive, and when I was looking out for it, it was obvious to see which shots looked less dynamic and more washed out.
I thought Cushing was