
They've had blue screen technology since the 1920s I believe before they even had color film.

Sleepwalk With Me is the name of Birbiglia's film, the special from around that time was My Girlfriend's Boyfriend but both are excellent and make a great double-feature.

I started with the first Netflix episode having never seen it before. I feel like that was a mistake.
It felt far more like a children's show than I was expecting.

Whether a character has agency in the plot is a pretty important issue, espeailly in a science fiction thriller like Orphan Black and espeailly when the character is a gender, race or sexuality that doesn't traditionally have agency in fiction.
Shaggy dog comedies and Noirs are probably the only genres were the lead

I actually thought that was a really fun way of editing it. The jump cuts added to the improvised nature and kept it moving at a brisk pace.
Just went I felt like skipping ahead he did it for me.
It's a very efficient way of getting the information across, when you know what he's saying he doesn't need to finish the sen-

I honestly think he just thought it was a rock-and-roll move.
I wonder if Trump even considered for a second that the kid might want the hat back or assumed that the honor of him signing something the kid owned would be enough.

No but you can get rid of them with a plugin, helpfully called 'No Youtube Comments' I highly recommend it.
It improves my internet experience at least as much as AdBlock.

No. The stalked her for a couple of years to learn what she was like and what she liked. Then manufactured a meeting where they 'bumped' into each other in the pub, they became fast friend and then something more, after a romantic hike with a camera she invited him back to her room and the next morning he vanished

Yea, he's always had problems with weaving his arcs into the stand-alone episode, which is probably the result of not having a writers room and all the writers working freelance with no cross-communication.
Russell T. Davies got around it by making the arcs very light with almost no emotional connection between the

Haha, with the references to Susan (his granddaughter) and River (his last wife) thought-out the episode, that could might be close to the truth haha.

That's just so disappointing and will really put me off the direction the show is going if it turns out to be true.
The series has had a pretty progressive streak with it's casting of side-characters since it came back in 2005 but that means a lot less to me if they're scared to do anything with the Doctor now.
If you

I'm not horrified at him as an actor but more of what he represent: Another quirky, skinny white guys.
Like I said, I don't want "old" to be the most diverse thing they've done with the Doctor's casting.

It's a strange one.
Any sets I've worked on as a freelancer have been very strict on finishing on time or paid over-time and having the correct amount of breaks.
But when I was working full time in a production company you were expecting to finish when the work was done (if you left after the tube* closed, they'd pay

I assume so, the new carpet he got ended up underneath the TARDIS, which means he must have left and come back.

Pretty sure saying a character "agency" isn't a progressive buzzword, it's been used a philosophical theory since Aristotle and has been used to describe fictional characters for decades at least.

God that would be so good.
Plus it would be great to continue the tradition of casting an actor from a foul-mouthed adult-orientated comedy as the Doctor.

Seeing so many other people as disappointed as me makes me hopeful that it's fake.
But perhaps that's naive as it's never stopped terrible things happening in the past.

I'm really hoping that's fake. I had so much hope they'd do something remotely original with the next casting and if that's true it will be such a step back.
I don't want Peter Capaldi to be the most diverse choice they've made when casting the role.

"The people who hate those storylines don't talk about flaunting straight storylines"
When they have a problem with a straight romantic storyline, it's a problem with the storyline (the bad chemistry, the time dedicated to it, etc) but when it's an LGBTQIA+ storyline it's because of "political correctness" or

"The problem at lot of people have with these kinds of things in stories and shows is when they're presented with an LGBT character who is totally flawless"
So they have a problem with strawman arguments then? It makes sense that they wouldn't want to engage with reality.