
If anything assuming the TARDIS was another room and then a lift is actually smarter than immediately jumping to Time Machine.

This episode made me realize how much I'm going to miss Moffat, I was mostly a defender of him (despite recognizing his flaws) but thought it was time for him to move on.
But I am going to miss his weird, twisty version of the show, it may not have always worked but I appreciate how ambitious and crazy his ideas where.

We don't know but that's him in the mirror.
Maybe he banged Bill's mum so he could take photos as a Christmas present, I suspect she'd appreciate them less knowing that.

Surely that's more true of The Waldo Moment.
Playtest has the same idea VR ideas that have been around since the 90s with an added "it was all a (simulated) dream" twist

I just googled that to check if it was real.
How the fuck is that even legal? I assume everyone involved in the case has to consent to giving it up to a TV poll instead of a real court but that's still ridicules.
Jesus fucking Christ,

Jeeves turned into the Mailer Demon.

I saw Man Against Fire entirely as metaphorical. I sadly agree that we don't actually need to see the enemy as monsters to dehumanize them but the episode was using that technology as a metaphor for propaganda.
When the lead character gets zapped with the McGuffin (I forget the details) he's simply finding out about

But it wouldn't be a fake version of you, it would be you.
If you lost all your limbs and they were replaced with a bionic body, would that not be you?
It's the same principle, they're just replacing the squishy brain matter with an solid electric replacement but all the information is the same.

Was it you I had this conversation with on the original discussion thread of the episode?
Because that's not how it works.
In the universe of the show you are the copy of you, it's identical in every way and if there's such a thing as a "soul" or whatever that transfers to (there's nothing in the episode to suggest

I'm totally glad they switched up the formula, I just think they're trapped when each film tried to one-up the previous film.
Because you just have ever increasing scope and ridicules actions scenes until you end up with a CGI mess.
Fast Five worked because it went just crazy enough without completely loosing it's sense

"I'm really hoping there were some conversations behind the scenes where
Zeke was given the opportunity to not have this information make it to air."
Knowing how ruthless TV production can be (espeailly reality TV) I unfortunately doubt that.
The contestants would have signed pretty air-tight contracts that anything

Depending on the country I think the "friend" with a crush on you might be a sex criminal.

Only in the first 2 (maybe 3), they seemed to have forgotten about street racing with the NOS gimmick after that.

Jump straight to the Fifth one, you won't miss any important exposition you can't easily figured out and don't watch any of the others.

I agree with you on Fast Five but think they've got worse since then.
The first few were above average street-racing crime films and Five elevated the series massively by turning it into a dumb B-Movie, dialing everything up to 11 and not taking itself seriously.
But the subsequent films have just continued that trend (d

Sadly in the UK it's just Fast and Furious 8 because we hate pun titles apparently (we don't).
We've had that naming convention ever since Fast 5, which I didn't realize was called Fast and Furious 5 here until the title screen.

You're right "entertaining" isn't the only way to judge a character.
I just always saw Buffy as this "everyday girl with incredible powers" archetype which prevented her from having any real depth (until later on).
I think that was important for the show though, she needed to be an every-woman for the premise and

Oh that's Dan Steven's in Legion?
Well I've just figured out how to get my girlfriend to watch the show… Although I'm not sure I want to.
She was a bit too interested in those .gifs from The Guest I sent her.

I was hoping those would be links.

They could totally bring Jacobi and easily keep that quiet. It would be pretty cool to do a three Masters story.