
I've had that conversation a lot and I agree, she's almost a stereotype, a good one and a needed one but she's not particular deep (at least not until season 6).

Weird, I always use her as an example of how the lead character of a show is often the most boring. I appreciate her more as a cultural icon than as a character, the villains were always almost the most entertaining characters on that show probably followed by Giles and Willow (if we're talking about characters who

If he can stay their for at the first third of the series I'll be happy. It'll be interesting to see a show switch locations mid-way through as well.

I honestly just assumed it was a one-and-done after the first season until I saw this trailer.
I hope he isn't back in New York by the second episode.

I just saw it, overall it was very different to what I remember (the whole abortion bit he didn't do in London and a few other I don't remember), it's possible he condensed the joke but I still don't think the premise isn't meant to be punching down.

I was thinking you just do it within one episode that way the internet rumor mill don't have time to solve the mystery before the episode reveals it.
It would be tough to do over a series without a big mislead.

You take that back!
At least our food is over-processed blocks of artificial color and flavor and our chocolate tastes rich, sweet and creamy instead of dirt, dirty and dirty.

Weird, maybe I'm mis-remembered it or it changed overtime for the worse. I'll check out the Netflix special anyway and see how that bit compares to my memory.

I've always wanted them to do a timey-wimey regeneration episode where another character shows up at key moments in the story and helps them out and it ends with the Doctor dying and become that character and going back in time to help his past self out.
It would work best if no one revealed the casting beforehand (whic

They sort of did that with Christopher Eccleston but then the show had been off the air for a long time so it made sense for him to just turn up as The Doctor.
They also went back and showed the start of his regeneration scene in the 50th Special, so now all the Doctor's have them.
I'd appreciate a change in the effects

I would only accept a man as the Doctor if they blew the casting crew away with their acting and that goes for anyone.
I would prefer that Doctor wasn't yet another white man but whoever they cast better be great regardless of race of gender,

Well you may be interested to know they did this promotional product to celibate the 50th Anniversary of the show.…

Maybe it was refined by the time he did it in London but that's not how it came across when I heard it.
The version I heard was very much him recognizing his own privilege and was very self-deprecating, more like "I wouldn't be able to live like that (I'm too weak and used to everything being perfect)" rather than

And you call yourself a Whovian?
It's a British budget bakery chain, that sell cheap pasties and one of the few business that made more profit in the recession.

That's why he's so fun to shit on because he's just trying to do the right thing and it never works out for him.
Plus we all see a bit of ourselves in Jerry and get to feel cool mocking him. Same goes for Doofus Rick.

Do most people really not accept that?
It's fun to hate on Jerry but in the real world he would be the person we'd all agree with, fortunately it's fiction and not real so we can all side with Rick without feeling guilty.
Jerry is a coward and has many other flaws but he's not usually wrong about Rick (although he is

Haha, I didn't know it was an American word, I tend to use intermission and interval interchangeably.

Haha, I don't know what to call it "the half time break" that sounds like a sports thing.
Needless to say I don't get out much.

Just to let you know you were the person who revealed to me there was a new Rick and Morty out.
I would have found out eventually but you had that honor. I choose to ignore all news and Twitter on April 1st and for once that rule has come to bite me in the ass.
So thank you kind stranger for revealing this to me.

Not the weekend but on Thursday I went to the gig of a friend of a fried (Nikki Lamborn) and she announced that after the intermission a special guest was going to come up and teach us how to do Tequila "Mexican style".
Turns out that special guest was Charles J.D. Schlissel, Exciutive Producer of Ducan Jones' next