
Oh no the Hawkguy team changed?
I have like 6-7 issues of the Fraction, Aja arc from when that started around 2012 but stopped reading when I couldn't afford comics.
I just assumed it was still going strong.

Tarantino has copped to it right?

I would like to find out exactly what he said in context, because you're right it does sound weird.

He did that at the show I was at (last year) so I assume it's in this special.

Yea, I saw this in London as a birthday present and it was great. The openers were all really strong too.

I would hope so but it's hard to imagine Disney being patient with all the money they bring in.
There's only so many Expanded Universe (or whatever they're calling the spin-offs)</i?>

What exactly is a "fuckin' tree"?
Is that something from The Evil Dead?

That's a good point, I had a theory that it's because the scene was some prominently in the trailers and on all the posters (in the UK at least) that everyone had loads of time to over-think it before the film even started.
But you're right we are seeing it from a completely different vantage point to the character, to

Reloaded was the second, Revolutions was the third.
I think the second is a fine superhero movie, with some cool sequences and a pointless cliffhanger but I can't get over how unnecessary it feels.
The third one has some cool moments again (mostly outside the Matrix) but holds together even worse than the second.

Why would you think logically while being chased by a falling spaceship.
When it's that wide and close I don't know if swerving would have been the best option.

Yea I did.
I think I saw it before Reloaded (is that when it came out) and loved the way it grew the world.
In a perfect world we'd have had more of those shorts instead of the two sequels.

Is there a name for that?
The curse of doing something that becomes so popular and parodied so often that it ruins the original for those coming to it late.
Because it applies to so many classic films for me, I'll get to the bit that the film is famous and it just seems really cliche and derivative.
I'm sure TV Tropes

I love The Matrix and think it's a great stand-alone film but I really like that pitch. When I was younger I wanted a Matrix TV show almost exactly like the one you described, but a prequel with a different cast of characters.
I just think that phone call and Neo flying off is a perfect ending and we don't see enough

All of No You Shut Up (Paul F Tompkin's Fusion show) was posted on their official youtube channel in HD and barely managed to get any views there despite PFT plugging it on various podcasts.

That's a good point about ambient music to drown out sudden changes in background noise.
I used to do that with ocean wave sounds, espeailly when the couple I lived with were arguing.

*Watches from the bushes to see how far this goes*

Okay yea, that is nuts. Not sure how I missed it with the examples in the article.
That walking animation is nuts, the punch looks like they mo-capped it and said "we'll make it so you actually hit in the final animation" and no one sent the animators that memo.
I have got quite a good buzz going though, so that

Nope English, waiting on my fish and chips right now.
That's not a joke my housemate just left to pickup our order.

Maybe it's because I'm drunk but I just don't see it.
Some of them look a bit weird and it certainly doesn't show off "next get" graphics but it looks fine to me.
Perhaps I'll come back to this tomorrow and be horrified.

Also googling only shows you what you ask for.
If you search for "evidence vaccinations cause autism" you're gonna get at least some blogs that prove your point and you can safely* ignore the rest.