
This is where I wish I had a more anonymous account haha.
But I rarely just listen to music while hanging out or doing other things and putting on a "make-out playlist" seems like an incredibly childish thing to do.
Not saying that it never happens but I think I just have a very different experience with music to a lot

This is where I wish I had a more anonymous account haha.
But I rarely just listen to music while hanging out or doing other things and putting on a "make-out playlist" seems like an incredibly childish thing to do.
Not saying that it never happens but I think I just have a very different experience with music to a lot

Paul F Tompkins had a show there that I'm pretty sure no one watched. They even uploaded the entire episodes to youtube for free and rarely broke 3k views.
That show had people like Patton Oswalt, Bob Odenkirt, John Hodgman and Chris Parnell as guest and still managed to fly under the radar so no idea how long The AV

Which is odd considering these are shows about violent crimes, usually murders.
But they somehow manage to package it in a way that's calming and peaceful, even CSI's closeups of gore are somehow not at all shocking or challenging.
Perhaps and overused analogy but it really is the fast-food of television and I say that

Well Miami already had dibs on orange!
Unfortunately for NY, warms colours are more inviting so they loose.

My dad watches a lot of the CSI shows (except New York, he doesn't like the colour pallet) and he thought NCIS was a CSI show, he also calls it NCSI.

I'm guessing Fusion aren't given the sure any kind of budget and man-on-the-street pieces take time, much quicker and cheaper to interview a few people from the office.
I donn't think that's a problem though, the show still seems fun and being insular could be part of the charm.

According to the BBC "Online copyright infringement currently carries a maximum penalty of two years' imprisonment" in the UK, not sure what it is in the US but if it's anything close that's a very depressing comparison.

I misread that as "If somebody hacked my phone they'd just find pictures of my dong" and was confused.
I really don't think it's that weird, a lot of times the photos are deleted immediately afterwards and people don't realize it's stored in a cache in the cloud somewhere.

I found it so bizarre anyone would catch a flight just to see their kid perform at a school conceit (and then not stay till the end).
Not only are they all somehow uber-rich, the parents in this show don't live in the real world.
The Mayor was all like "You can't just follow your passion your whole life, eventually you

"I guess kids do still have some ability to find the stuff off the beaten trail."
Arguably more so than before, yes they can watch whatever they want and don't have variety forced upon them but they can also be curious and seek different stuff out in their own.

I agree, my dad has been getting my younger sister started on the Harry Potter and Marvel films but it was tough going at the start.
I think there's still some room for watching things by osmosis when other people are using the TV and of course clicking 'Related Video' on youtube (always a risk).
On the flip side it's

I think they'd be less likely to understand scheduled programing.
On a family holiday, we were staying in a cottage with a traditional TV.
My sister who was 7 at the time and only raised on streaming, couldn't grasp the concept that she couldn't watch whatever she wanted and had to wait for programs to start.
I also

It's so weird when I go on there without an ad block, it feels like a whole different site.
There's so many ads it almost feels "fake", 10 years ago if I wondered on to a site with that many ads autoplaying, I'd back out immediately.

Bound is great…

I honestly think the ending to the first film is perfect and the fact they had to backpedal it always turned me against the future films.
At the end of 1 we see Neo stop bullets, explode Agent Smith and fly off. Those things imply that he's a god now and can do anything.
But in the sequels it turns out that's all he can

When I was younger and was waiting for the second film to come out (just after watching The Animatrix I think) I had this idea for a TV series fulling a group of people breaking a previous version of the Matrix.
I was surprised that, after Agent Smith mentioning previous versions of the Matrix in the film film that

When watching one of the training sequences, I remember ideally thinking "The Matrix did this so much, I should re-watch that sometime", I never considered the other similarities putting that thought in my head.

Call it Matrix
