
Brown sauce is the best, also called HP Sauce named after the Houses of Parliament. No Worcestershire Sauce either I imagine?

Not that I know of, they have appeared in Doctor Who* though.

I'm always fascinated but what appears in the "foreign" food sections of different supermarkets.
The American section in UK supermarkets is mostly candy (Red Vines, Hersheys, etc) which is odd because I don't know any British person who prefers American Chocolate or sweets, I guess it's the easiest stuff to import as

Casting Call Woe is actually a British tumblr, so technically not "Hollywood", I only bring that up because the problem isn't just limited to the American entertainment industry and Europe isn't that far ahead of you guys.

I think there's also a different between the people with the creative vision and the people with the money.
But perhaps I'm over simplifying because I want that to be true, I've certainly met more than a few regressive creative-types, they just know the right things to say to seem liberal.

Long distance relationships, roleplaying and "public play"… or so I've been told.
They even put that last one on the box (or so I've heard) you'd think they'd try and be coy about it. Apparently there's no laws against selling a product specifically to jill-off in public.

Upvote for everything except the last paragraph.

Same here, I like Moffat a lot (he obviously has his flaws) but I'm certainly looking forward to what comes next as well.
It's almost like the anticipation of waiting for an adaptation or spin-off, you sort of know what to expect but it's fun to imagine what direction they'll take it.
I'm hoping for a proper writer's

I can't believe it's been that long, maybe I'm just getting old but it doesn't seem more than a year ago.
Even though last season was differentm with the 2-part episode structure, they all tend to bleed together in my mind.
Season 5 is the only one that particularly stands out and I wonder if that's because/why it's my

I thought last series was the best in a long time and yet I still feel the same way.
It could just be because I've been watching the show for the past 12 years and I've become used to it and a bit bored.
I'm going assume I'll enjoy the episodes when I actually watch them but I'm really looking forward to things mixing

I'm not sure it's the same in the US but in the UK I'd say they're equally well known for baked beans as they are ketchup.
That would certainly be my first thought if you said Heinz.

Let's wait for him to finish his political film set in Russia first.

I saw The Lego Batman Movie and liked it even more than I expected and I went in with relatively high expectations.
So far 2017 is shaping up to be a better year for Superhero movies than 2016.

I think it's more about The Gift being possibly the best ending the show could have had.

I do wonder if a show could avoid doing that.
Just reset everything back to zero (mostly) after each season, the character arcs can continue on and occasionally their skills improve but each season has a Big Bad that's different rather than just bigger.

"I mean, having the Scoobies by all the time probably freaking killed his sex life, for a start"
They reference that specifically at the start of season 4, when Buffy just walks in on him 'entertaining' to talk about whatever monster-of-the-week is bugging her and realizes she's intruding.
I'm surprised they didn't have

It could be the timeline after the events of DOFP when everything changed.
But it really doesn't matter and I guess it's more depressing if you think of it as taking place in the "main" timeline (almost all the characters we know and love from the previous films are dead).

I have a friend who's a freelance camera op for them and got to shoot an interview with Samuel L Jackson and Brie Larson at a press junket for them.
Not only was I jealous I was surprised they got invited to press junkets, apparently they're one of the most visited websites in the UK, I honestly thought they were just

In one of the DVD commentaries Joss Whedon said they didn't do that specifically because they didn't want the vampires to look human.
They (not sure if he's referring to the production team or the network) didn't want people tuning in and seeing teenagers killing what look everyday people, so the monster faces and