
Just watched at last night (in the final few hours of my Prime free trial), Piz and the sex tape were the only plot elements I wasn't familiar with and if I didn't know about season 3 I would have assumed they were invented for the film.
Overall I enjoyed it, espeailly as a fan of Party Down and remembering how many

I agree on things feeling rushed and I did enjoy some episodes more than others.
The characters are cast showed the most promise, even if some of them seemed a little too close to their Buffy counterparts.
The cliffhanger I was referring too was the twist that the weeping angles were behind it all.
Which makes no sense

You're partly right, from what I've heard writers' contracts and unions make it hard to get top-level talent in a writers room here but it's certainly possible (soap operas do it).
Writers aren't seen as employees who get paid for their time, they're freelancers who get paid for writing a script, and that attitude

They even invented Weevils, so they could have vampires in the sewers of Cardiff too.
I will admit the creature FXs for them were top-notch though.

Well that's good to hear.
I saw and loved the first two season (the first one more so) and heard it was best to not bother with the third.
If I jump straight to the film will it make sense?

I've not seen much of Supernatural but I used to get (irrationally?) angry at people who would ignore my recommendations to watch Buffy (usually because of the name) and then later tell me "you should watch Supernatural, it's really good".
Come on, why are you watching the knock-off when you refused to watch the real

I wouldn't mind that but it would be too much of an obvious choice for my taste and I can't imagine him having a take on the character that's particular different (to other Doctor's or other character's he's played).

I somehow missed that news.
Can't say I'm surprised but I think they could have found a way to improve in the second season, the premise was okay and it had some good pieces in place to do something better.
I am partly relieved I won't have to give it another chance though.

I was wondering when people here would start talking about Class.
I thought the pilot showed a lot of promise but it never really fulfilled that and just ended on a whimper (with such a lame cliffhanger as well).
It certainly owed a lot to Buffy and I'm not sure how I feel about the characters lamp-shading that in the

Before Amy and Rory came along Martha was my favorite companion of NuWho and I have no problem admitting that.
But then I only enjoyed Donna as a character in her first appearance so I'm a weirdo.

That was basically it.
Using an "arc word" was interesting in theory but never really worked out in practice.
I think the reason behind it had to do with the way series are written in the UK, with freelance writers working independently on scripts and no writers room.
RTD wanted to mimic the over-arcing plot-lines of

If you watch the first two seasons of Torchwood the comparisons to Angel are even more obviously, I'm surprised more people don't mention it.
They both have fast montages of city skylines at night that end with the immortal lead character contemplating on a rooftop in a long black coat.

I agree completely.
I actually saw Smallville first and always thought it felt like an imitator of something, it felt like the pitch was "it's [blank] but with young Superman".
When I finally saw Buffy everything made sense.

I guess Buffy is like Friends in that regard, I know lots of people who are huge fans but very few people who wear t-shirts or constantly quote it.
That could just be an age thing, people are more likely to quote something recent or "classic" and right now Buffy falls in between the two.

I honestly thought it was Sabretooth for the longest time, I didn't know if they were intentionally hiding his face in shadow or not.

Yea I agree on the kids at the end but I don't know how they could have handled that differently (maybe make their powers more gruesome and body-horror).
The final act felt like I was watching one of the 'traditional' X-Men movies again, which is certainly no bad thing but felt slightly at odds with the tone of the

But I wouldn't say that makes the comic "non-canon", right now there isn't another TV series (and no evidence there ever will be) so they're canon until something changes.
I mean the whole concept of "canon" is fun to discuss but basically pointless, good creators will always just build on what works and ignore what

If they brought back a Buffy TV series tomorrow there's a chance it would be based on the Fray comic (it would be an easy way to keep things fresh)… so yes.

Don't forget privileged.
Being shitty and ambitious without privilege just leads to a carrier in drug dealing and jail time.

Oh god!
If only I could go back and change this content to stop this terrible chain of events.