
Sadly it did.
The only solace I can take is that I didn't write the script or choose the title but I did think it was a good idea at the time.

I guess it has, but it still has to have jokes in (at least the good stuff does).
I just do open mic in the UK and I'd say it's still mostly tradition setup/punchline stuff but the storytelling schtick is becoming more common.
I guess since Luis CK, some open mic comedians mimic his style without realizing that he does

Wow, I somehow missed that Lego Movie Rob Schrab news.
When did that happen?

I wasn't annoyed, she just seemed naive, it was the first time she'd done something like this.
Sometimes you get so caught up in the whirlwind of putting on a show you forget no-one outside of your bubble cares.
I've worked on projects where other cast/crew members get overly optimistic about screenings and convinced

I agree although for some reason Community is the exception of this, maybe because they episodes are so short and the stakes relatively low (in a real-world sense) that the Jeff Winger speeches just work for me.
But even as a child I thought I was being cheated out of an ending when it was just 'the hero makes a speech

I very much agree and have wondered what the best way for films to handle this would be myself.
I remember watching Obvious Child and thinking that the character was just supposed to be a terrible but enthusiastic open-mic comedian with no real talent and then there was the scene where she obviously bombed and I found

I kind of thought that was the point, she's just another struggling actor who puts on a one-person show as a last ditch attempt before burning out and going home, what it's about doesn't matter.

I think it's a pretty accurate reading of the film, I didn't pause on this shot and read all of the text but I remember thinking it was foreshadowing a low turnout for her show. It's a pretty concise way of showing she's naive and bad at self-promotion.
And the tone of the article seems like standard issue AV Club

I don't think the details of the emails in the film were a mistake, I think they showed that instead of a montage of the things @berty2001:disqus suggested on purpose.
Mia's passionate but she's not smart/talented/connected enough to make it, fortunately she happens to get very lucky.

Oh god, you have no idea how disappointed I was when I uploaded my student film to youtube only to discover the thousands of other films also titled 'Writer's Block'.

I did find it refreshing the neither of the leads in the film were prodigies, they're just above-average (for LA) people hustling to try and make it.
I noticed when one of Mia's early auditions wasn't very good, the casting director was rude in not letting her even finish but there was no way she was going to get that

If you also like shooting things and splatter-y gore, then 2016's Doom is for you!

I'm 24 and I've already hit that point.
I was big into RPGs and RTS games in my early-mid teens but basically stopped gaming at university until final year when I'd play/watch Telltale Adventure Games with my housemates.
My current flatmate has a PS4 and our main criteria for picking a game (other than Doom) is "does it

My theory is that people didn't want porn to show up in their google auto-completes, so they used Bing.
As such the Bing algorithm got really good at finding porn and after it got the reputation of being "for porn" is got even better.
Either that or Microsoft knew they needed a USP for their search engine and chose that.

If you did everyone would bring up Bing and you'd feel like a loser for not knowing about it.
Is it really weird for young-adults to talk about porn? I thought we'd got passed that stigma.

I do wonder what the point of it is. What is he going to use the results of this survey to justify?
Because they're not doing it for no reason and it can't be anything good.

Wow, I'm amazed people still order on the phone, I wouldn't even know what number to call.
I guess it's a generational thing but I'd always order online or very occasionally go into the store.

Haha I remember making the same comparison (plumbers) in a thread like this not long ago.
It's why I can't be angry or even annoyed at the Oscars any more, they are what they are, of course the same kinds of films are going to win every year and that's okay.
I used to think awards shows had to have some kind of unbiased

That's good to hear.
I know they're not all like that and don't like to tar an entire group with one brush but having grown up Christian and knowing a diverse range of different kinds of Christians it's still a big issue for a majority of them, even the more liberal-appearing ones.

I was keeping up with all of them and then I decided I'd take a break for a little while because it was starting to get convoluted and a tad same-y.
I'm worried that when I decide to jump back in, I'll have to go back and catch up on everything I missed to get up to speed.