
Anyone talking about the BAFTA nominations?
Okay then.
I'm glad Hell or High Water is getting some noms, that and The Nice Guys were my two favorite films of the year and sadly the latter was completely snubbed.
I think I, Daniel Blake could take Best Picture although I haven't seen it yet, it'll almost certainly get

She's a treasure. I haven't seen her in anything where she doesn't absolutely crush it.
She deserves to be a lot more famous outside of the UK.

I believe the Johnny English films were and there most be others.

There's no reason he couldn't write and direct the re-shoots, yea it would be more work but something like this is really an all-hands-on-deck kind of situation and he knew what he was signing up for when getting involved in a big studio project, re-shoots are common.

Well if that's the case they've got plenty of time to re-shoot it.

If that is the case then at least there's directions they could go.
[spoiler]Maybe Luke doesn't heal Leia but helps her 'pass-over' and become a force-ghost. That way she gets a positive send off and could still appears as CGI in one/two scenes without it being too distracting.
And then yes, they'd have to pass off the

I agree. It seemed like an average episode to me, I think people tend to remember this show with rose tinted glassed, there's only been 11 episodes and it's only occasionally great.

If that mean less Moriarty though I'm fine with that. From there point of view they're keeping him around ready for when Moriarty pops back up.
I certainly doesn't seem out of character for a shady government agency to excuse a murderer and cover up their crimes,

How would it be six? Do they split these episodes in 2 for American broadcast?

And why the hell didn't she check the USB stick for a tracker. That makes literally no sense. She's a super spy, you'd think that would be her first thought.

Didn't that happen after the series was shot though? Certainly it would be after it was written.
Plus I'm sure they could be professional about it.

Yea I was waiting for that part to be explained and it took me a while to realize "nope, that's just what happens to cars when they get rear-ended in this universe. Every traffic jam must be a national disaster".
My girl rationalized it saying "maybe the natural gases escaping from the body built up trapped in the car

Did people not like the premiere? I understand the complaints about the last Christmas special but the season openers was fine (just fine mind you)/

We don't know that they're not right?
Or has it been confirmed Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly play those characters? They could be the leads and Holmes and Watson side characters played by Fiennes and Laurie.

Is that like Captain Hammer's hammer?
It's his penis.

Yea, I re-watched the first Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk over Christmas and I was surprised how well they worked as stand-alone films.
I felt a lot of the phase 2 stuff walked that line well of following what came before but wasn't overly reliant on setting stuff up. And then Age of Ultron and Civil War ruined it

Or just Marvel's Civil War the franchise is big enough at this point that I doubt they need character names in the title they can just name it whatever event they're doing.

Oh don't get me started on people who constantly asks questions about the plot when we're watching something AT THE SAME TIME.
"You know it's a new episode! You know I haven't seen it before! How could I possibly know any more than you do!?! Just watch and see."

I assume it's a similar reason to why people used to put the radio on when they were ironing or cleaning the house, it's comforting to hear people's voices in the background so you don't feel so alone.
There's also people who listen to whale sound or ambient music while they're trying to get to sleep.
I mean it's not