
Can it be a police procedural? The title is already perfect for a buddy cop show, also can we loose the bosoms?

The implication that I have a Donald Trump figure made me feel worse than being compared to Sheldon, I need to take a shower.

"there are plenty of good meals which don't take that much time to cook if you plan ahead (ie have basic kitchen equipment and go to the supermarket with a shopping list)."
But that still requires doing the research, making the shopping list and having all the basic equipment.
It's understandable some people just aren't

I agree but I think it's worth making a distinction between things you know are trashy but you earnestly enjoy and things you know are trashy that you're watching just to mock.
'Guilty pleasure' isn't the perfect phrase but I still can't think of two words to replace it and I think now people acknowledge that we don't

No joke my girlfriend got me a Littlefinger figure for my birthday and I felt so proud.

I agree but what other phrase should you use in it's place?
"Ironic pleasure" sounds like a hipster brothel.

And with more prostitution, swearing and murder.
I assume, I've only played the Wolf Among Us game and only seen a couple of episode of Once Upon a Time.

I think your 10% statistic is about right and I remembering being a little disappointed when I realized most people simply don't care about watching "great" TV but I imagine it's exactly how a food connoisseur would feel if they saw my diet "Yes, I know I could enjoy far superior meals if I invested more time

This is true, I think the less concentration people pay to a show the less they enjoy 'Quality TV'.
I've scolded people for not looking up from their phones for the majority of an episode of Community (or whatever show I'm introducing them too) because they're literally missing jokes and then complain they don't like

Nothing hurts more than being told I'm "just like" a character from that show, I haven't seen it and I know they don't mean to be offensive but I can only take it as an insult.

I agree in general although I still enjoyed The Force Awakens, it did set things back to square one but that was necessary table-setting for the next two films which hopefully build on it.
Sadly there's no way Disney would shell at that much for the Starwars IP and not use any of the recognizable elements, so there had

I saw it with my mum who hadn't sat through an entire Starwars film before without falling asleep and this was the first one she saw at the cinema. She didn't know until the end that it was set before the first film and I didn't have the heart to tell her the first film was the fourth chronologically.
She just wanted

I want to get a copy of the original cut so I can watch the two back-to-back.
It would be almost impossible to do legally but a cinema should screen both films in a double bill seamlessly edited together (cut the end credits on Rouge One and the opening crawl on Starwars) the film style and pacing would drastically

But really you should have met a wise old man who told you to burn dr_bombay, denied the call, gone home and seen your parents burned, accepted the call, gone through a road of trials (all fire themed), fought a dragon, rescued a fire princess and then burned dr_bombay and returned home having changed.

I knew about it before the film so I was ready to hate it and perhaps that preparation was why it wasn't as bad as I expected.
It was cheesy but not that much worse than some of the lines from the original trilogy and certainly better than the other prequels.
Much like where it falls chronologically, it's very close to

I wonder if he'll be a more menacing presence in the expanded-universe films (or whatever they're calling them) it's easier to make him an unstoppable bad-ass when he's just a side character and you know he has the best plot-armor. Although as another commenters said somewhere above that could take that too far and

I didn't know who they were but I immediately knew it was some archive/re-used footage because they didn't quite fit (sound quality, colors and shooting style).
So I didn't get the benefit of going "looks it's X" but it still took me out of the film.

"Yea, considering half the prequels is CGI characters I don't get how this would be beyond the pale."
I think many people consider the prequels beyond the pale so that's probably not the best example.

When he was facing the camera they had so much reference from Episode 4, to the point I think they were perhaps just reusing shots and altering the mouth with CGI.
It helped that he never did anything he didn't do in episode 4 (he just stood around and talked) if we'd seen him lying down or even sitting I think the

It looked off to me but I'm glad we saw it just as some of catharsis for Carrie Fisher being gone.