
I was sitting next to a child (7-10 I'd guess by the height but I never saw them properly) and they were bored for most of the first two thirds of the film, getting really frigidity and playing with their seat.

Not sure if anyone is still invested in this thread but I'll throw in my two cents anyway:

So it's more like two days of celebrations then in the US?
My girlfriend is Colombian and my brother-in-law is German and they just do it on the 24th (family dinner, present-opening, the lot) so when I read Americans celebrate on the Christmas Eve I assume it was the same deal.

Is that what that was, I thought it was a blowjob joke and was confused why they choose 36 not 18 or 21.

I just re-watched the episode and I found that even more embarrassing to watch, I get what they're doing and I think the director pulled it off the best way possible but I can't help but cringe.
And I still think it's out of character for this version of the Doctor to care about a piece of plastic "feeling pain", even

Not that line specifically but it didn't surprise me that Moffat made a joke about the homoerotic overtones of the superhero genre, espeailly when the character looks like he walked right off the set of Batman & Robin. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest, in theory it's progressive, the reporter does insist

Oh it makes sense in the context of the story, I'm not denying that.
It's just a well they go to a lot, especially around Christmas.
Maybe next time they could have him morn the loss of his wife in the middle of a season instead, just to mix it up.
Or maybe not give him anyone to morn for a while.

I got that, I just thought it was super heavy-handed and obvious, I'd rather they subverted it somehow.

I heard rumors he's leave after next season which I agree would be a huge shame. I'd love for him to have a really long stint before they go in a drastically different direction.
By "drastically different" I mean anything other than cis, white, male.

Haha, just a shifty medical/science company doing some kind of illegal/unofficial human brain testing/storage. Far from the most ridicules thing in Doctor Who.

Of course.
Sorry Idris, you are welcome to join us.

He looks like a melted Joseph Gordon Levitt waxwork.

What are you talking about? The only man more beautiful than Oscar Isaac is Michael Fassbender. You take that shoe and shove it up your ass, I'll take Oscar Isaac.

Just had a bletch or two in there and that's a Rick Sanchez line.

I wonder if she'll be a one-and-done companion like Martha or Donna.
It makes sense that they'd want someone new to help reboot the sow when Chris Chibnall takes over, so here being a likable, fun companion who can just pop in and leave without much fuss makes fits that and should be a nice change of pace.

That's true but you're celebrating the eve of the New Year, cheering when the clock ticks over. It's an evening celebration.
As far as I know that's not how American's celebrate Christmas, they're celebrating during the day 24 hours early, just call the 24th Christmas Day if that's when you want to celebrate it, or

Admittedly I thought it was finished before the last episode but because it was out-of-order there was no sense of closure (unless you re-watch her first episode) so I understand Moffat fudging the continuity to give her a proper send off.

That's splitting hairs slightly, kids are part of the family demographic so it's not technically incorrect (it's a show for kids and adults).
I always find the audience one of the most interesting things to discuss about the show because it has such a diverse number of groups it has to appeal to.
I would love to be

It looks like he'll join the ranks of Catherine Tate as stunt-casting that worked out so well they decided to bring the character back and flesh them out.
Personally I preferred Catherine Tate in her two dimensional stunt-cast role, attempts to add depth to that character just rang false to me but that's neither here

Yea I wonder if the costume was not what Moffat intended when writing the script.
He seems to be written like classic Superman but dressed like modern Batman (albeit on TV budget - so it comes across like Joel Schumacher Batman).
Aside from that bit of split screen (which was probably in the script) it was shot like a